ROI on PPC compaigns

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Still Hustlin'
May 23, 2007
What are your real/actual ROI in terms of percentage when you run PPC campaigns?

The reason why I am asking this question is I am trying to find out if I am on the right path as I am new to PPC campaigns.

I know this question is very subjective but I would really like to get some feedbacks from veterans as to what your expectations are.

I am currently running a campaign that bring me $40 a day net profits from $50 investments.

Your feedback is much appreciated.


Just depends, as long as I'm making anything I try to find more affiliate programs to promote. I've had monthly ROI's close to 200%. This particular campaign is an exception, but I try to get around a 100% ROI. I'm sure there are many people who can get much more than that.

You also need to check your conversion rates.
In any business- if you're not losing money, you're doing well. With PPC/ Affiliate stuff, returns can be huge, but they don't have to be. Plus if you're getting crazy returns, you can usually spend more per click and get less %, but more $.
I was looking for average expected return on PPC campaigns.

Of course, making anything above big fat 0 is good but I would like to know at what point in the business of doing ppc do you start investing on another niche?

Will you keep the campaign if it produces only 10 to 15% return on your investment and time?

I am trying to figure out what the industry expected return on PPC is from veteran's perspective.

I was looking for average expected return on PPC campaigns.

Of course, making anything above big fat 0 is good but I would like to know at what point in the business of doing ppc do you start investing on another niche?

Will you keep the campaign if it produces only 10 to 15% return on your investment and time?

I am trying to figure out what the industry expected return on PPC is from veteran's perspective.


There is no "industry expected return" on PPC. Just do what you want, if running the campaign isn't worth your time then move on to something else. If this is a campaign that's making you a $1 a day, but you don't have to spend any time on tweaking and checking up on it to see it's performance and you can just let it be, then there's no reason to shut it down. It's all up to you, there's no limit, just make sure you're not losing any money. If you're losing money that's the only reason to shut down a campaign. I'm kinda bad with this and even if I end up losing money a particular month I'll still keep the campaign and start tweaking to see if I can get it back up. With many of these affiliate offers and how voliatle the market is, you could be making money one month, and making nothing the next. There are so many variables, you could have competitors jump in at any time, or your market could get saturated with affiliates. So like I said there is no "industry expected return". Just do what you want and make what's expectable to you.
It really is very niche specific. I shoot for 100% in most niches and results are usually around 80 - 120%. I had a campaign that was running at a 300% ROI but daily revenues were under $100 per day. I then ramped up and scaled the campaign to $1200/day. Great rev results but ROI dropped to 110%.

There are too many variables involved to give an exact answer.
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