Robot Arm

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Sit On My Face
Jun 26, 2006

Take a look at this picture and tell me what you think.

That is the reason that I got into this biz. Just over two years ago I was skateboarding and took a nice fall. Shattered my whole elbow into over 30 peices and snapped my upper arm, it was a compound fracture and poked out of the skin.
I spent 7 night in the hospital (on morphine and perkaset). It took them three suguries to get it all back together. That picture is an xray of my left arm. All of that is still in there, it is two plates and aprox 13 screws (you can't see them all).
I asked my doctor
"How many screws are in there?"
and he replied
"However many it took to hold that shit together."

This could cause you problems at the metal detector at an airport or in a club ?!?! :eek:

Anyway, get well soon!
haha yea, I thought it was going to for the longest time but I went to Italy this past spring and nothing went off.

It has been two years just last saturday and it is as good as it is going to be. I lost a little range of motion but I do not even notice anymore.
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