Rob that bank like... Bruce Willis?

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New member
Aug 19, 2007
The invasions bore a resemblance to "Bandits," a 2001 movie in which characters played by Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton spend the night at the homes of bank managers before accompanying them to the bank to rob them without security guards or patrons getting in the way.

Thieves Steal $400,000 in Heist | Newsweek National News |

Black Tactical Clothing And A Construction Worker Costume- $150

Bandits DVD - $20

Stealing $400,000 the same way Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton did in Bandits - Priceless

Only in America.

I like the way that the FBI assumes they'll just do it again.
I'd like to think that if a criminal is smart enough to come up with, and effectively execute, a plan like that then they may do more than blow all that money in Vegas.

I often think up ways to rob banks.
It usually involves rural branches near well forested areas, where police resources are limited, and laying down caltrops to incapacitate squad cars as they live the local PD.

Of course, these are last resort get rich quick (or die trying) schemes.
I like the way that the FBI assumes they'll just do it again.
I'd like to think that if a criminal is smart enough to come up with, and effectively execute, a plan like that then they may do more than blow all that money in Vegas.

I often think up ways to rob banks.
It usually involves rural branches near well forested areas, where police resources are limited, and laying down caltrops to incapacitate squad cars as they live the local PD.

Of course, these are last resort get rich quick (or die trying) schemes.

haha, a bank robber did something like that, robbed banks near woods, then would ride off on his mountain bike while the police searched the streets for him. He robbed a shitload of banks too, and eventually got caught by a hiker stumbling onto one of his forest bunkers filled with info and guns

AND if I remember correctly, he paid taxes on all the money, claiming he won it in vegas
See, if you're going to earn a living as a criminal, paying your taxes is actually a bloody smart thing to do.

So many organized crime groups get taken down on tax issues because they just got that little bit greedier.

A friend of mine who just happens to be a drug dealer too has a great money laundering scheme set up. He has an eBay store, and just buys his own shit the moment he puts it up for sale. Then it all goes through his books, which he sends to the accountant each July, and the accountant is all "yeah, that looks ok, no audit for you!"
Well history is on the side of them doing it again .Why you ask ?

Well the thrill of getting away with it ...

Take Jesses and Frank James their first bank robbery they stole 40,000
now back then it was like millions ....

Blows my mind they could spend that much ....
I mean nothing to buy back then but a house and some horses or cattle ...
See, if you're going to earn a living as a criminal, paying your taxes is actually a bloody smart thing to do.

So many organized crime groups get taken down on tax issues because they just got that little bit greedier.

A friend of mine who just happens to be a drug dealer too has a great money laundering scheme set up. He has an eBay store, and just buys his own shit the moment he puts it up for sale. Then it all goes through his books, which he sends to the accountant each July, and the accountant is all "yeah, that looks ok, no audit for you!"

Money Laundering thru ebay lol

Welcome to the 21st century. :sleep:

Sure aint as glamourous as the good ol' days. *sigh*

/me wants tight jeans, leather jackets and '78 caprice classic and chick afros and booty


Planning how to rob banks is one of my fav dreamtimes as well.

Actually, some banks in Eastern Germany were prone to this kind of thing.

Rural banks with almost no security (budget was never given), maybe one cashier and the next real police a few kilometers away in the next big town.

The whole situation was described as "a supermarket for bank robbers".. by the Spiegel magazine.

How about a redneck Ohio bank robbery?

A few years ago, this guy out here robbed a bank by my house. He got away clean too (well, almost). He wore a mask, and escaped in a stolen car which he ditched a few miles down the road. Basically, the police had absolutely no leads.

Fast forward an hour later...

Being the absolute criminal mastermind he was, he broke into some random house - tied up the family - and proceeded to take their stash of Rx painkillers and alcohol until he passed out. The family eventually got free of their constraints and called the police.

Apparently, it was an easy arrest.

I have absolutely no idea why someone would plan the perfect bank robbery... and THEN decide to stop on his getaway path and take a family hostage. The police weren't even chasing him.

Gotta love the O-high-O.
See, if you're going to earn a living as a criminal, paying your taxes is actually a bloody smart thing to do.

So many organized crime groups get taken down on tax issues because they just got that little bit greedier.

A friend of mine who just happens to be a drug dealer too has a great money laundering scheme set up. He has an eBay store, and just buys his own shit the moment he puts it up for sale. Then it all goes through his books, which he sends to the accountant each July, and the accountant is all "yeah, that looks ok, no audit for you!"

that is the most brilliant money laundering scheme i've ever heard in my life. It's so simple and obvious yet does exactly what is needed.
Really? My imaginary planning usually is where to dump a body.
Pig Pens at a commercial pig farm... Pigs are omnivores, and can chew through bone.
A dozen pigs will get rid of an entire body in a night I'm told.
Amazing some of the shit you learn in a cafe when your university campus has subjects on animal husbandry...

Deliguy: Yeah, my drug dealer mate is actually a really smart guy. He's just so amazingly lazy that he refuses to do any job that requires effort. He was a bouncer for ages.
Ok here's what I've come up with:

Number one best spot is in the middle of the ocean (as far away from land as you can get). It would be best to actually have the person drown (so incase they are found it would be hard to prove that it wasn't accidental) I've often thought off a cruise ship would be best but would be tricky as you would have to not KNOWand be traveling the victim since you would be the number 1 suspect. I realized this while watching Open Water, how really freakin big and endlessly deep the ocean is. Like a needle in a haystack.

#2 spot would be the Grand canyon.
This might be a good spot:

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