Ripping Ad Copy

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Dec 12, 2007
I decided to run a search on Google for a couple of my keywords and I found someone who ...

A.) Made the same landing page as me.
B.) Ripped my ad copy word for word, only change 1 word in the entire piece

What do you guys do in that situation? Get over it and move on? Change your ad copy even though its some keywords are as high as 30% + CTR?

Just pisses me off. I wish affiliates would start using their own fucking mind to come up with shit.


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if you subscribe to the collective consciousness theory, affiliates are using their own mind to come up with your shit.
and you are too.

and even if you don't, fact is your ideas are not yours.
your ideas are an amalgam of ideas you've learned from others' ideas.
if you hadn't learned from these ideas, you would not have your ideas today.

so kwitcherbitchin and move on to the next. innovate. and on.
Send somethin like this off to their host, done dizzle.


To Whom It May Concern:

Notice of Copyright Infringement

The copyrighted work at issue is the text/design/whatever that appears on:

Infringing Web Pages:

Throw in the specifics in here on what is being infringed exactly...a logo, an image, article 1 or 2, etc etc.

I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

name and address, e-mail, phone number


signature (if being faxed)

Just make sure you don't bullshit and double check that for example your designer didn't run off and sell a duplicate of something they made for you or your content writer didn't go pimping out your articles since you would be liable in court after for making these claims if they are false and the "infringer" decides to take YOU to court.

Depending on the host they may want you to fax it. Forget about the ad but since he's advertising on adwords send a DMCA to Google. They'll want it signed & faxed so look up the info or ask them for it.
You can't do anything about adcopy as such (thats why tools like ppcbully are making money) and about LP you can send them copyright notice which mostly needs lawyers etc.
I had my LP ripped off. If I ever find out who the motherfucker is I am going to break his arm and put him to sleep.
just click on their ads 1000000000 times and make them lose money

i had an ad running for awhile and it was banking, some cockface copied word for word - i put a new ad up, was another duplicate.

this shit just makes me want to stick my dick in their eyes
I had some douchebag copy my site, word for word, I mean it was identical as mine including pictures, colors, etc.

Then the douchebag stole my competitions ad copy.

He lasted about 4 days and now he's gone.

I guess he didn't know my site had only been up a few days and wasn't profitable yet!
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