RIP Shoemoney

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Props for the idea, it had potential. The whole thing was worth reading through for the ending though...hilarious.
i wonder what age the retard who wrote that is. the shoemoney bashing around here is pathetic, who gives a fuck about him, keep your own ship in order
Love the idea for the site, not quite The Onion yet. I bet the fake death thing could work really well, but maybe lose the gay jokes and pick someone the sheeple might actually know?
Conceptually good, but you need to learn how to write like a Journalist would, or it doesn't sound right to the person reading it.

You're better off if the text reads something like this:
A man that was shot dead this morning in a grisly murder-suicide had a protection order out against his assailant, according to police.

Approximately 9:30am (EST) police received reports of shots being fired.

Police found two dead in a fourth floor office, along with a discharged firearm.

One man has been identified by family members as <shoemoney's real name>, the well known Internet Marketing guru "Shoemoney". The other man is believed to be Joe "Sundaybrew" <surname> (pictured).

<surname> is beleived to have been fixated with the online "Shoemoney" persona of <shoemoney's real name>, and was seen on the premises regularly, according to witness.

<shoemoney's surname> had taken out protection orders against <surname> on March 6th, after a domestic dispute, according to police.

"This is a terrible tragedy," said Mike Wallace, a worker in a neighbouring office "We'd heard them fighting before, but we didn't think <surname> would get violent about it."

The death of <shoemoney's surname> will come as a shock to the online community, as he was well known and respected for his various revenue generating programs.
Maybe it's just me, but I kinda feel like bashing shoemoney went out with rickrolling. jon killed it. now its time we all move on

+1. It's not even cool. Seriously...

Unless Jeremy did something to you personally, don't even bother trying.

You: Ahh ya, fuck ShoeMoney, he sucks!!!
(Someone): Really, why does he suck?
You: Because, everyone hates him. Yeah he sucks!!~!@~!$~$ Go WickedFire!!~~!!!!!
(Someone): Yeah, why? did he kick your ass? Take your money?
You: Naw he just doesn't help me make money, and blogged about some bullshit!!~!@~# So Fuck him! Yeah screw him!!!
(Someone): So, he didn't help you make money... So Fuck him? Why not just stop reading his blog?
You: Yeah, because.... he sux! Because he's shoe money! Down with Shoe!!!!

This is how ridiculous many of you sound. Bashing ShoeMoney just isn't cool. Do I read his blog? No. It's not interesting, it's not helpful, so I just don't read it. I don't post hate messages for it. Just move on folks.

Just stop the fucking hate fest and concentrate on your own business.

Cry me a river, MANE! Who gives a flying shoemoney what some internet persona says about another one? Why do you have to cry about someone crying about some internet douchebag who calls himself shoemoney like hes a fucking rap artist. Doesnt this shoemoney guy think he is a celebrity and writes like he is one too? Now which is worst, someone hating britney or you making a youtube video "leave britney alone"?
Cry me a river, MANE! Who gives a flying shoemoney what some internet persona says about another one? Why do you have to cry about someone crying about some internet douchebag who calls himself shoemoney like hes a fucking rap artist. Doesnt this shoemoney guy think he is a celebrity and writes like he is one too? Now which is worst, someone hating britney or you making a youtube video "leave britney alone"?

Hmmm...lion mane or horse mane ?!
If those tattoos are real, I wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened :\

But yea, I'm not a hater, so I'm just gonna go over there now -->
Cry me a river, MANE! Who gives a flying shoemoney what some internet persona says about another one? Why do you have to cry about someone crying about some internet douchebag who calls himself shoemoney like hes a fucking rap artist. Doesnt this shoemoney guy think he is a celebrity and writes like he is one too? Now which is worst, someone hating britney or you making a youtube video "leave britney alone"?

Why do you have to cry about someone crying about some internet douchebag who calls himself shoemoney...
this gives me an idea. From now on, I'm just going to utterly de-rail every single thread I think is stupid, by asking things like "Lion Mane? or Horse Mane?"

Perhaps you could automate this process? I would invest into it. See, the foundations of your idea are good indeed, but it would take way too much resources from a person to write the question on every single thread on this forum, huh? I wonder if it could be like a spam filter? What i mean is, if it was possible to take away all the e-book posts, duplicate posts, posts written by SEO_MIKE etc. knaw i mean. Wow, it could be like a facebook app for vBulletin, uno, that would be neat. What would you name it?
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