Ringtones.net Conversion Rates Drop

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Yep we saw this too. Was averaging 4 - 5% this month but conversions are now down to 2%. That is a huge drop for us. So we have started moving traffic elsewhere. It's not at $20 but it does convert. The month of Jan we averaged 6 -7%. So the trend is not good.

Also we have noticed that we cannot view the click stats anymore. You click banner stats and then the clicks and the site just hangs there forever. This started happening after the DT outage from what we can tell.

I have not contacted my AM yet as I am checking out the other offers first.

So it is not just you.

We know there is a recession you numb nuts.

A recession does not make the conversion rates drop from one week to the next.

The reason we have not contacted our am is to see if the conv % was better on another network with another offer. So far the new offer is doing much better.

Yes the recession does and will affect all of us but not that quick.
I don't know if Ringtones.net is still being run by Viveli (Eduardo) but they have always been extremely helpful and easy to work with whenever problems have arisen in the past.

I can't speak for CPA Empire as a gateway to the offer, but I can tell you that the team behind Ringtones.net is one of the most honest + professional in this industry - Grade "A" in my opinion - and absolutely would not shave leads to compensate for higher payouts.

Depending on what sort of past conversion/metrics data you have, it may be worth compiling some reports and sending it their way to try and determine what may be the reason for the sudden drop.

That said... depending on what sort of traffic you're sending through, it is plausible that they won't buy shit traffic if you're not sending premium carriers as well. These companies actually lose money often times on second/third tier carriers but make it up with premium carriers, so make sure you're sending quality traffic.

One thing I'm noticing now (for those still promoting tones) is a lot of people sending premium carriers to Net Partner (funmobile) and sending crap traffic to ringtones.net. I wouldn't buy that traffic either if it was a losing preposition.
One thing I'm noticing now (for those still promoting tones) is a lot of people sending premium carriers to Net Partner (funmobile) and sending crap traffic to ringtones.net. I wouldn't buy that traffic either if it was a losing preposition.

If Ringtones.net doesn't shave, you're still getting paid more with them than for the premium carriers on Net Partner anyway though.
I can't speak for CPA Empire as a gateway to the offer, but I can tell you that the team behind Ringtones.net is one of the most honest + professional in this industry - Grade "A" in my opinion - and absolutely would not shave leads to compensate for higher payouts.

the team behind ringtones.net IS cpaempire, and cpaempire DOES scrub
Actually no its ran by someone else they just own the front end. Or atleast thats how it used to be. Personally I couldn't get ringtones to convert like they used to. I havn't tried flycell but funmobile and others sure converted like shit when I tested them. I used to convert under 1:10, testing them again and converted 1:1,000. Not sure if it was just that day or what.
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