Ringtone Rap

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New member
Oct 16, 2007
i made a rap about rigntones
2:16 sellign ringtones has never been so easy
especially when im dealign with your mom she is kind of easy
my landing page is one of a kind
I Just wait til money flows in and starts to unwind
The cpc doesnt matter u fools
U all are actign lieka bunch of tools
everyoen covnerts dont u know that
maybe not because u are so fat
i dominate the market with ease
wait til i start to make meony its as easy as cheese
my ad copy is unreal
and i am my friends am the real deal
fine i am hear to tlak abotu ringtones for say
it has made me a man today
i am the best at sellign ringtones
not insurance loans
jsut hear me out uhhh uhhhhhh im ready to make a profit
all u bums are full of shit
while im makign money
you all are acting immature and not funny
the ringtone that u liek is flyign off the charts
would u lie kto aply a game of darts
if u try to compete with me you have no chance
i ma the master of sellign ringotnes my friend
and to me there is no dead end
i sell at a great rate
i leave my talent up to fate
all u better knwo my name
becasue soon i will be i nthe hall of fame
there is no shame in admitting im the best
becasue my sellign beats all the rest
now go fuck urslef because im making the cash
time to go to san fran and make my final dash

should I go pro?

this reminds me of that semi retarded kid who was battling with his friend near their school lockers, and he said "animal boom"
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