Ringtone Partner: Legit?


New member
Dec 11, 2006
Anyone get paid by these guys? Wanted to do a rep check because they look like they have a load of international offers.

Hey guys...

Two weeks ago I sent them 1 email and they did not responded. Then I sent them another message from the same email address and they did not responded again. I used my gmail address.

So, can someone tell me what is going on, please? Before I decide to register with them I simply asked them some questions. Can someone tell me which is their correct email address and if their system accept messages sent from gmail?

Thanks in advance guys!
Hey guys...

Two weeks ago I sent them 1 email and they did not responded. Then I sent them another message from the same email address and they did not responded again. I used my gmail address.

So, can someone tell me what is going on, please? Before I decide to register with them I simply asked them some questions. Can someone tell me which is their correct email address and if their system accept messages sent from gmail?

Thanks in advance guys!

PM me the email address you send an email to. I'll see if it's the one I have with them.
I don't know for you guys, but for me RingtonePartner support is pretty much dead (USELESS) thing. I contacted them before this year started and I coudn't get ANY reply from them. Then, one Shaz07 was kind enough to help me get in contact with them, but nothing came from their side. After 5 (business) days of waiting, I still didn't received a simple email reply from them. And they say 'we will reply in next 3 business days'.

It's like I sent a message to outer space. :(
this is making want to get back in the mobiles, does ringtone partner have offers that work with AT&T and Verizon, or is it all just a bunch of international with payout of like $2?
Still no reply from RingtonePartner. Can't say they know how to do business if it takes them this long to answer on a simple message. There is no excuse for this.

Totally unprofessional !
Submitted an app about a month ago and still have yet to be approved. Support is useless.