Ringtone Hell

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Last i checked, AdWords and MSN AdCenter aren't tier 3.

Lots of "shady" shit happens behind the scenes.
- advertiser decides he's received enough leads for the day,
- advertiser decides he doesn't want a particular affiliates traffic and stops registering leads for affiliate

Not saying that this is happening with this offer. Being on advertiser side of affiliate marketing, I know this happens all the time.
is the ringotne market dead yet? I paid someone a while back to make me a good landing page, but i still havent done anything with it yet. Ill start using it when everybody else gives up
So you're getting 100 - 200 people on your website a day? Think about it, if only 5-10 of them are converting, you're just as likely that 9 of those people who were gonna buy from you clicked a different link instead of yours. If your average is 7-8, I'd say you should expect bounces between 2-13 and consider it normal.

On your worst day of .07 ecpc, if 3 more people had converted you'd have a normal day. 3 people. Out of 100.

From my experience, huge swings in CPA is very much the norm. Especially when you're pushing offers with payouts over $5.
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Yeah you are not doing enough traffic to draw any conclusions about anything shady going on. Your traffic is not significant enough to no to be heavily influenced by randomness.

If you were pushing between 900-1000 leads every day for a month then for 3 days only 150 were converting, and nothing else changed, you might have some statistical significance.

You have to view your numbers in a much bigger sample size than a daily basis with that level of traffic.

As Palmerville explained very well, one conversion changes your numbers in a ridiculous fashion.
Palmerville/aeiouy- makes perfect sense. I guess I'm over-analyzing things. It always sucks to see marketing waste.
Picking the right ringtone offer and having your landing page setup properly can make a huge difference. If an offer doesn't cover someone's provider, then you are throwing money down the drain. It's like trying to advertise for women's shoes by using men's shoes pages or something dumb like that. You need to have your advertising match the product or service that you are offering. The more continuity that you have, the more sales you will make. Also, having the right product or service to offer makes a difference. The offer that pays out the most is not the one that is going to convert the best in all cases, so try different offers to see which one works best for what you are doing, ringtones or otherwise.
is anyone still doing ringtones? ask the capitalist pig, check out his blog, he is doing well with tones. 40 or so conversions a day!
Are you guys just direct linking to the offer page straight from the ppc ads, or are you creating a custom/buffer page? I've never done ringtones before, so this is just an idea, but I would think that if someone has seen the other ringtone pages, and came to yours and saw something different they may be more inclined to fill it out.

Also, if you made your own page, you could potentially highlight lists of songs/tones that they may be interested in, or even better, get some php on there to list the keyword onto your site that they just came through searching for, and maybe that will increase successful cpa's?

I've also heard from very good sources that many times you do actually get more signups than are recorded, but they aren't counted because they are dupes. Try switching offers, it may not pay an insane amount, but because they don't have a big list of members you can probably get a lot less dupes and more successful transactions.

Just an idea.
is anyone still doing ringtones? ask the capitalist pig, check out his blog, he is doing well with tones. 40 or so conversions a day!

I certainly wouldn't say that is doing "well" since there are people out there doing waaaaaaay more than 40 conversions.

I will say this though, when it comes to ringtone landing pages, everyone is doing the same thing. There is a real opportunity to distinguish yourself by doing something different. Find ways to customize the landing page dynamically to what the user is searching for (like Jon said above) and you'll probably do "well". I've got a plan for this, but it's going to be a little while before I can get it developed. Too many irons in the fire!
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