Ridiculing Support Staff: Why I Need the Pic from the "Google Content" Locked Thread


Press Releaser
Apr 12, 2008
Troll Forest, AR
Ridiculing The Support Staff

I had some interesting interactions with some support staff who takes herself WAY too seriously. I wanted to copy the joker photo from a thread that is now locked, and send it to her. Here is why:

(Setup: I write press releases for an outsourcing company that specializes in articles, blog post, online press releases, etc. The "basecamp" admin system include milestone boxes that we check off when done.

Clients who buy package deals often take their sweet time getting PR info to us. Milestones for this project were several days late b/c the client was waiting to find out if his iPhone app was legal in the U.S.)

Okay, where are my PR's?????????????

It is 7 pm here which means it is 10 pm there. You still have two hours left in your day.

Good luck.

The Cap'n:

By your definition, you have five hours left in -your- day.

My day however begins at at noon and does not end until 5 AM. Which means I still have seven hours. Which means I WIN!


P.S. Srsly tho I Promise u will get them. Sorry they're late.

P.P.S. Good luck!!


That is an interesting way to look at the situation. I bet you have talked your way out of a couple of tickets in your day.

I will be waiting. . . . . . .[devil smiley]

[note to WF readers: none of the press releases for this particular line have been submitted by the data team in about...three months]

nah not talking my way out of anything. "interesting" is having someone tell me when my day ends...bizarre. i don't know why i said i'd have PRs for you as they are actually for my editor...but I will CC you if you like. am afraid to do Sergio's PR until he tells us whether or not the app is legal in the US--that seems a matter of some import.

i'd like to finish it up soon as i'd like to get paid soon. i'm sure data team will enjoy having something else to sit on, i hear them damn foreigners is short!

[meanwhile, I logged into the admin area as an administrator and told the client we needed more info. His "you americans are not so big," response is worth a post of its own.

Support girl doesn't know it was me--she has no idea I handle admin functions and customer payment info.]



I read the message on Sergio's basecamp. You are safe for now, but watch your back my friend as I am ruthless when it comes to missed milestones.


The thing is I can't tell if she's serious. From my girlfriend's dealings with her, she probably is. Which means more chances for me to taunt and ridicule.

I saw a nice pic on here lat night, "Cant tell if your serious" or something for the "content network gurus LIE" thread eaarly this morning.

I guess I could make one of my own easily enough though. Or just send her this:


Type dullspace if you didn't bother reading dullspace's, cap's or zero1twos posts.