Review Site and Advice on Forum

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New member
Feb 10, 2007
Ok I am trying some new features out with this new site niche. What would you all recommend for it and for me to get the forum going on it? Should I pay someone to make some post? Do you all think that this niche is good enough for a forum on it? Also I guess I should register the site with some directories as well..

The site

Any advise is welcome. I will let you all know how the site does $$$ wise since I am useing techniques and lessons learned here.

Also I am using the new google youtube video advertiser thing. What do you all think on that? I seem to like it so far.


Any advise? I did update the google ads to be more transparent and added a single product to the site that i get a % of if a sale is converted. I was even provided a product review I could place on the site.

I see as of this morning the site was added to the google index (too about 7 days).

So my questions are these:
  1. Should my focus switch to making the site more SEO?
  2. Should I incorporate a poll question that takes you to an offer if you supply us your email?
  3. Should i keep a blog an forum on the site or just focus on one? if so whcih. I would be leaning towards the forum if I had to choose.
Thanks for any and all input on this.

I think you should focus on webdesign.

I did an extensive roundup of a noob site a while back...

USe a css to format your fonts, some are serifed fonts, which are bad for online reading.

Err... serifs is a fany word for the round bits at the end of some letters. Used in print, they guide the eye while reading, making it a good experience.
On screen, the serifs look like flyshit and hurt the reading experience.


A typical serif font is Times new Roman, a typical sans-serif font is Arial.
You want your font declarations to look like this:

in the HTML:
<font family="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
in the CSS
p { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }

Both telling the browser to use Arial, if that is unavailable use Helvetica, if both are missing, use any sans-serif font.
(sans being french for without)

So far for now,

Yea I think i am going to focus on the design of the site emp. Thanks for the input.

So I should probably drop the forums or should I keep it and the blog?
the forums can be dropped unless you really expect to have some constellation project enthusiasts populating it and discussing the Big Dipper's degree offset from Ursa Major and why Taurus looks like shit compared to Constellation Gemini.

keep the blog though and populate with related posts that can pull in potential customers.
Emp and Mahzkrieg + rep.

Thanks for the advice. Yes I think I am going to drop the forum, or until I get a good number of visits a day and then I can revisit the option cause I might be able to start it better. But I will use the blog to attact people for now.

Do you all use any third party software to manage your email list? I am using i contact but I don't like the way there form is incorporated with my site so I am looking for better ones, plus I am doing the free trial now.
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