Review my site

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New member
Feb 10, 2007
So what do you all think? I have a little to work on with the content for example like the main page but I am looking into some content writers now so I can get some good content on the site.

But in general with the structure and everything else how does it fair?

url: www [.] gasyell [.] com

Thanks a bunch for yall's help and comments.


Sorry for the double post...

But I did come up with this question to? With this type of a site would it be ok to include a little google adsense? Or maybe a targeted affiliate ad?

I am leaning towards the ad if I do anything..
HAHAHA. I read that as "gaysell" rather than "gasyell" originally ... figured it was a cockroll or ClickBank spoof page.

Anyway. Speel checkr mann, srsly.

Also: a FAQ page which details, among other things, why paying you $1.00 to complain for me is better than me doing it myself, or joining any of several online petitions, MySpace/Facebook/etc. groups that might already do something similar.

And: some kind of interaction page, even an offsite thing at Ning or a MySpace group or even an old-fashioned Yahoo! e-mail list might inspire people who like the site to talk about it with their other whiny ass friends. More whiners=more traffic=more $$$

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For starters, pay some one here at WF to design your site. It doesn't look like you need much more than a nice header logo. Yours looks like copy and pasted MSPaint. Then pay someone to re-write everything for you as the spelling and grammar are horrible. I noticed you spelled "actually" like > "actualy". And that spelling mistake was on the packages page where you are trying to get people to pay you.

Second, I would remove saying that your service will contact the president. Unless you have his personal email account. I would say that is borderline fraud, and you are meddling with government territory.

Is this a scam site? Are you actually going to follow through with anything, or are you tricking people into sending you 1 or 4 bucks via paypal. Grabbing some cash, then closing shop. I don't think you are going to get anyone to send you money via paypal. The site looks and feels like a scam.

How do you plan to get traffic? Assuming you don't know anything about SEO as the site clearly shows. Also in your first post, you hid your url from search engines like people hide email addresses to avoid spam. You did the opposite of what you should have done. You want your link posted everywhere, not to hide it like you did in your first post here.

I am not trying to bash as I understand being a newbie. I am also trying to keep you out of legal trouble. Remove the crap about contacting the president and senate members and junk. The energy companies are fine.

You would probably make more money by doing a voting poll and saying sign the petition. I got the idea from my buddy Neil Turner (he posted his viral attempt here at wickedfire), and I created Free Brett Favre. After the poll, just plug in a link for an affiliate offer. There are offers for free gas cards floating around.

Now for my political view. We FUCKED ourselves. We burned the oil faster than hell. We caused the depletion because we are stupid, greedy humans. Now we are kicking ourselves for it. It is not the United States' fault. Yes we do burn a lot of oil, but the truth is we aren't the only ones. It costs billions on billions of dollars to setup to dig for oil. Then 9 times out of 10 there isn't enough useful oil in that spot, or it is too deep.

The solution. Find a new freaking method. Buy a hybrid car at least. Better yet, ride a bike or the bus. Everyone blames the US and oh its the presidents fault. That is bull. Its freakin 2k8, where are the hover crafts running on water and shit. I wanna live like the Jetsons. My point is give up on oil, and find a better alternative. Stop bitching about gas prices, we are the ones who casued them.

If you want a ranting site on the US President, it should be about government help to going energy effecient. There are some tax breaks for buying hybrid vehicles, he appliances, and energy effeciant appliances but they aren't enough. The government should be like, here is $5,000 off of any hybrid vehicle $25,000 and up or something similar. Or buy an HE washer and get the matching dryer free. Convert all your appliances (furnace, water heater, ect.) to energy effeciant ones matching x criteria and get x amount back. The government should help push all of us into more energy effecient lives.

Enough of my rant. But don't take my critique the wrong way, I am trying to help.
@ shugdogg - Thank you for your comments and I always welcome peoples comments. That is the only way I know I can improve.

Yes I know my grammer is not the best or my spelling, actually it is probably one of the worst. I was a math and science guy.

So I am not too worried about the content because I am looking for someone to write the content that is better formatted. Same thing with the header. I put that together in 5 minutes while I was registering the domain.

As far as my intentions with the site. Yes this will be a real site that offers this. I plan to put this site in action. In college I was involved with politics and I thought this might be a good idea to run with and see if it can turn into something.

I am all about making money online but I do want it to be fair and not considered a scam. That is why I wanted you all to look at it and let me know what I need to work on. The reason I put the link in my original post the way I did is I didn't want to post the link and then have it only to be considered I was just spamming the forum. But if I should have made it a link originally I will.

So right now I am looking for someone to write the content and someone to do a header image or maybe a logo for the site. Please PM me if interested.

But do you all think with a little bit of time investment and some fixes... do you think this site could have a future?
Provide testimonials (fake if you have to) on your site.

Also, hype up your own site. Make it sound like it actually works - because otherwise people will know that their comments never actually get read by the people you send them to and therefor never signup.

Talk about people who have got responses through your service, etc.
Ok it looks like I have a logo/header in the works. Thanks xtreme5000.

Also it looks like i am going to get someone to do teh content this weekend.

Also I am finishing up the order system that will have paypal intergrated with some api calls so the site should work a little smoother and transparent.

So my last question is do I need to worry about a Term of Use and or a Privacy Policy? Can I just use a generic version?

Thanks a bunch for everyones input.. +Rep
haha shit, I though the name of your site saw, write your adress as GasYell so theres no misunderstandings if you skim through the text fast :D
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