Reversed leads


New member
Feb 1, 2008
What do you guys think? Should a network inform you of reversed leads? Or should they let you wait until you receive a lower payment than you expected?

Does reversal of ALL leads sound shady when you have never had trouble with the same traffic source on other campaigns?

I think a network should inform you right away when they reverse leads.


Yes, of course they should notify you right away if they have to reverse leads and explain why they are doing it. If you know your traffic is legit and you are complying with all the offer terms and all the leads get reversed, that is extremely messed up.

If it is just a few dollars worth of leads, or if it is obvious why they are doing it (like the offer was paused and some leads still trickled in) then I wouldn't worry about it.
I'm not worried about it, just $1K worth of traffic... I just find it inconsiderate and shady. Glad I never did much biz with them.

I only found out when I received payment a couple months after the traffic was sent, and it was lower than it should of been.

I asked for a report. They sent me a report of leads WITHOUT contact info; leaving me without a way to contact the leads myself.

Convenient, eh?
Sounds like someone needed some extra margin.

If the leads were indeed crap, fraud, whatever they should have no problem handing over the data so you can verify.
You can always ask for proof of bad leads and it should be given. The advertiser can have a legitimate privacy issue if they refuse to hand over the phone numbers but they should be able to provide a reason why the leads are bad.

The utter lack of communication is horseshit though.
As to alleviate returns we typically negotiate with the merchant for a lower payout by 5% lets say in trade for no returns. Then you're 100% sure of what you're making as an affiliate because there's no returns. You won't find at the end of the month that there's a bunch of returns and the campaign you thought was a winner, you lost your ass on. :D
You should immediately be notified about leads that have to be reversed. I like to contact the pub in advance before I reverse the leads so that they can see the leads that have to be reversed, so it's not like leads are just randomly disappearing from the pubs account.

Additionally, you should request a lead report as to why the leads weren't good, which the network should be able to get from the advertiser for you. If anything, it's just some proof, rather than taking the network's word, and it can also potentially help you prevent it from happening again.