Revenue magazine, good article/interview

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Never seen Revenue magazine in person before, saw it at B&N today and read the article on Jeremy Palmer who is super affiliate. Very good read, he said most people just aren't willing to work long and hard enough to make a serious income. He has an ebook, one Jon can check out if he wants:

Jeremy said he's had 20 hours days. I'm not sure how anyone can do that physically without the use of stimulants.. Recommended read none the less.

Personally I got in to internet stuff because I wanted more flexibility with my own schedule. Go figure, now I'm doing this 10-13 hours a day 7 days a week, and have been since the tail end of 2005. This inspires me to start a new thread..

20 hours is a long time to sit a computer screen but,

My grandfather owned a few manufacturing plants (aerospace and auto) he would work for 3 days straight without sleep or rest - No BS. The man was a machine, until he retired. I can only go 14 in a day before I need to do something else.
i'm pretty sure i've sat in front of the computer for longer than 20 hrs before (with breaks of course) ... haven't we all?
Andrew said:
Never seen Revenue magazine in person before, saw it at B&N today and read the article on Jeremy Palmer who is super affiliate. Very good read, he said most people just aren't willing to work long and hard enough to make a serious income. He has an ebook, one Jon can check out if he wants:

Jeremy said he's had 20 hours days. I'm not sure how anyone can do that physically without the use of stimulants.. Recommended read none the less.

Personally I got in to internet stuff because I wanted more flexibility with my own schedule. Go figure, now I'm doing this 10-13 hours a day 7 days a week, and have been since the tail end of 2005. This inspires me to start a new thread..

Do think buying this eBook by someone who is a super affiliate himself will still be wasting of our money like most of the eBooks out there?
Just last month, to make a deadline on a big project at work, I got in at about 10AM on Sunday and didn't leave until noon on Monday. The last 4 hours or so I was pretty ineffective, but I had at least 22 hours of good work. I drank one Mountain Dew at around 4AM, another around 7AM, but that was it for stimulants. I don't think that sort of thing is particularly uncommon.
I heard Jeremy Palmer on Webmasterfm radio he sounds like the real deal, i'm strongly considering buying his e-book...
I recently subscribed to Revenue... waiting for that first magazine :)

I've had some long nights finishing 2 month projects in a few days in college. It's all about eating at least every 6 hours, energy!
just typical anyone can do it if you work hard. No real meat. He does PPC arbitrage, has dating sites. You can get the same info reading boards, etc.
No matter who the advice is coming from, you need to be testing the concepts if you really want to get somewhere.

There are people on boards who have been debating the importance of Pagerank for years. When I started I thought it was important, but it didn't take me long to figure out, on my own, that the actual traffic was a much better indicator of success.

I listened to Jeremy's interview, I am implementing some of the things he was talking about right now.

If you only pay attention to recognized names I believe you may be missing out on very good information. Last year I noticed that this guy named "mook-jon" on Sitepoint was giving out good info that was generally in line with what I had found. A few months later, he posts some CJ screenshots and now (most) everyone knows who he is.
That is correct. You have to test things out for yourself. I've done things that hundreds of people said were overdone and a flooded market... Yet I've managed to make more online than I did at my old job. Meanwhile those same people are sitting there praying to the gods for their first 10 dollars from adsense.
Andrew said:
Last year I noticed that this guy named "mook-jon" on Sitepoint was giving out good info that was generally in line with what I had found. A few months later, he posts some CJ screenshots and now (most) everyone knows who he is.

Thats funny becasue i first saw that screenshoot and read all the post in that thread i thought this guy mook-jon AKA Jon really knew what he was talking about thats how i found this Wicked fire forum which is also a good source of infomation..

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