Return of the Porn Teacher

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New member
Nov 28, 2006
upstate NY
Not sure why this thread was closed but the case of adware porn taking down the sub teacher is back in the news with a good twist:

from Threat Level - Wired Blogs :

A judge has granted a new trial to Julie Amero, a former substitute teacher in Norwich, Connecticut who was convicted in January on four felony counts of risking injury to minors after she was unable to prevent pornographic pop-ups from showing up on a computer in a classroom in 2004.

The city's prosecutors did not oppose the motion for a new trial, raising the possibility that Amero will not be tried again.

The opportunity for a new day in court marks a reversal in fortune for Amero who faced sentencing this week that could have landed her in jail for forty years. Amero was convicted of endangering children after several students saw pornographic thumbnails on a computer screen.


"Despite testimony that the monitor did not face the children, that Amero asked for help from other teachers and a vice principal, and that the schools IT administrator allowed the school's filtering software to expire, Amero was found guilty....."

If they want to fire somebody, fire the IT douche bag. WTF is going on here? I guess all other crime in the US must be solved, so now fucktards are bored and need to fry somebody.
WTF! So the school's IT department admit they let the filtering software expire and a teacher is found guilty of showing porn to kids (on a monitor that didn't face the kids).... how fucked up is that shit!
If she goes to prison I hope the case gets reopened and everyone involved with locking her up is sued for millions.
WTF! So the school's IT department admit they let the filtering software expire and a teacher is found guilty of showing porn to kids (on a monitor that didn't face the kids).... how fucked up is that shit!

Exactly!!!! Looks like she became the fucking scape goat!!
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