Rethinking My CPA Strategy

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Running with Scissors
Feb 16, 2008
OK, so good news first...

I've got two sites that are now ranking really well.

One is #4 out of about 9,000,000 on Yahoo for one of KW I was targetting and my Ezine article ranks on the second page of Google.

The other site is also ranking #4 - #8 on Yahoo out of about 12,000,000 - 40,000,000 results, depending on the KW. Google's not bad either.

Traffic is decent...conversions suck, however.

Both sites are WordPress sites that are sort of 'news-based' around the niche.

For example, let's say that one site is focused on underwater fire prevention. Every day or two my Google Alerts notify me of a hot news topic in that category. I post it on my site.

At the end of the news item, I put "if you're really struggling with underwater fire prevention, we recommend THESE GUYS (affiliate banner 350x250, centered, after every post).

I will say that, in this niche, people are moderately desperate (5 out of 10), but probably don't give a shit, based on the nature of the niche.

Do you think it would be better to switch to a 'review-based' site where I just review the top three solutions to their problem?

The thinking behind the text vs. banner thing is that a lot of people have been conditioned to think of banners as ads (and therefore don't click them). If you slip in a well placed text link, it doesn't look so much like an ad.

Remove the banners completely and only use the text links for a week. Some of my highest converting offers on my websites are from simple text links. Let us know how it goes. :)
If you've got multiple offers from various programs that all offer similar solutions, I think a review might be the way to go.

Keeping in with your theme, I would be more inclined to take it on face value if you 'reviewed' "Potassium Stopper", "Potassium Storage" and "Potassium Redactor" versus just you recommended "Potassium Storage".
There's no 'info' as such, so I'm forced to look for more on my own. I either get lazy and don't bother but still don't buy the product because I don't feel informed, OR I DO look it up, and find out from another site (possibly a competitor's) that Potassium Storage products not only leak, but help catalyze the potassium when the water gets in and makes it burn even faster and lordy lordy lordy I better buy THEIR product instead.
The thinking behind the text vs. banner thing is that a lot of people have been conditioned to think of banners as ads (and therefore don't click them). If you slip in a well placed text link, it doesn't look so much like an ad.

Remove the banners completely and only use the text links for a week. Some of my highest converting offers on my websites are from simple text links. Let us know how it goes. :)

I tried that but the stupid Wordpress theme I'm using doesn't make the links "blue" and I can't seem to change that in the template. I really like it, but maybe I'll have to switch to another one.
The thinking behind the text vs. banner thing is that a lot of people have been conditioned to think of banners as ads (and therefore don't click them). If you slip in a well placed text link, it doesn't look so much like an ad.

Remove the banners completely and only use the text links for a week. Some of my highest converting offers on my websites are from simple text links. Let us know how it goes. :)

great advice. i'd also like to know the results on this.
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