Repo yo Domainz


Jul 29, 2009
Senate panel approves domain name seizure bill

A controversial proposal allowing the government to pull the plug on Web sites accused of aiding piracy is closer to becoming a federal law.
After a flurry of last-minute lobbying from representatives of content providers including the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), a Senate committee approved the measure today by a unanimous vote.

Read more: Senate panel approves domain name seizure bill | Politics and Law - CNET News

Cue all pirate sites moving to non-US domains. The MPAA have run out of silly putty to try to plug the holes in the copyright Titanic, so they've decided to go shuffle the deckchairs instead.

What a waste of legislative time. Oh well, I suppose it guarantees their campaign funding & celebrity endorsements for the next round of elections.
They will also be able to block access to foreign domains.

People need to push back on this legislation. Now.