Rep. Gohmert Warns Of Baby Terrorists


New member
Oct 14, 2007
Speaking on the House floor last night, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) continued his assault on common sense by making the generally nonsensical claim that terrorists were recruiting pregnant women in order for them to have U.S.-born children who would, several decades from now, attack the United States and "destroy our way of life." Gohmert made the comments while discussing border security and Arizona's controversial new immigration law.
Gohmert: I talked to a retired FBI agent who said that one of the things they were looking at were terrorist cells overseas who had figured out how to game our system. And it appeared they would have young women, who became pregnant, would get them into the United States to have a baby. They wouldn't even have to pay anything for the baby. And then they would turn back where they could be raised and coddled as future terrorists. And then one day, twenty...thirty years down the road, they can be sent in to help destroy our way of life. 'Cause they figured out how stupid we are being in this country to allow our enemies to game our system, hurt our economy, get setup in a position to destroy our way of life.

lol? Okay maybe not funny for all the US guys here but WTF :D

source: Rep. Gohmert Warns Of Baby Terrorists | Political Correction

Although it may sounds a little silly its entirely plausible.

To raise a child as a "future terrorist" you merely have to feed him enough Wahabi-Salafi scripture.

And Islamists know their best chance is the 'demographic Jihad' (in Europe they call it 'the womb Jihad') - simply multiply and wait for Westerners to breed themselves out. They'll have to be a majority eventually.

And the concept of 'sleeper cells' is nothing new either. Going back to the days of the Hashashins (the word 'assassins' comes from them - 'those who smoke Hashish, which was a tool of indoctrination into their sect) in what is now Iraq, who infiltrated other sects with their fanatical followers who would lie dormant for decades sometimes before being activated. The Soviets were doing the same thing with their sleepers and spread the practice back into Middle Eastern intelligence services during the Cold War. Obviously starting em in the womb is going a step further, but together with my first point (religious indoctrination) makes perfect sense.