Remove referrer

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New member
Oct 23, 2007
I always thought redirecting visitors would show the redirect page as referrer. E.g.: it would show redirect.php instead of the page containing the link to the redirect script.

But I was surprised (and I felt like a n00b) to see that the actual referrer is the page containing the redirect link the visitor clicked on!

Any way to do a server-side redirect without giving this referrer? I'd prefer not to use meta redirects or javascript.

This is like the 10th thread this year about this. If someone can give me a straight answer on how to do this appropriately I'll come up with something for everyone....I thought I had it figured out so it was 99% reliable one time but I turned out to be wrong.
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_REFERER, '');

Any use to you? Did a quick search on Google.

Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. The browser contains the referer info, which the surfer can choose to allow to be sent, or not, if they've got the right setup.

Thanks, but that is only for downloading content from other sites with a php script, right?

What I am trying to accomplish is to not disclose all my landing pages to the merchant. I just made a site with separate landing pages for all keywords. The landing page then shows the exact keyword phrase the visitor used in Google. Thus it would disclose all my keywords to the merchant.
Referer information is provided by the browser so there is no 100% reliable way.
Here is the behavior of FF (sorry no IE at home):
A -> B -> C
301/302 redirections will show A
JS redirections will show B
metarefresh will show nothing

@TT: this is not the topic

Surprisingly, no. I followed (with Firefox live http headers) a whole chain of redirects from my redirect script, multiple redirects at the affiliate network and redirects at the merchant. At the end it still showed my landing page as the referrer.
Are you using keywords just for the search engines?

If so, use cloaking to serve the keyword-rich pages to the SE bots and human visitors from the major search engines. Serve different ones to anyone else.

Visitors clicking on, say, a stats page at an affiliate will then get a different page.


that code snippet is from cURL, and is not just for downloading. cURL can be used to mimic human browsing. You could have the redirect page as a PHP script which POSTs to or GETs the next page in the chain, and serves up whatever referer you want.

Not done this myself. Just an idea.

PS: Or am I being stupid with the cURL idea? The problem is the referer is in the browser. Maybe you need a two-click (two page) system in your 'daisy-chain'? Hard to know without trying it.
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