Remote Desktop Connection Problem


New member
Aug 25, 2007

I'm hoping someone will be able to shed a bit of light on this RDC problem...

I keep getting random dropouts when connecting from my laptop to my office pc using RDC (laptop is vista home and office pc is vista business). I checked the network connection and its fine and when i goto the office pc and login it shows the network connection as still connected.

I've tried googling this problem but had no luck finding a fix. Any ideas what could be causing this?

I've forwarded 3390 to my office pc ip, i'll let u know how this goes. Cheers!
Forwarding 3390, I'm assuming you made the registry fix to change the port to 3390, right? Did you make a firewall exclusion for 3390 if your windows firewall is on? did you reboot your PC after you made the change to 3390, and did you do a netstat -a to make sure your comp was listening on 3390?

That error message you are getting is just a generic message when you can't connect to the host. How advanced is the router at your office? see if you can open up some logs and see where its dropping.
Forwarding 3390, I'm assuming you made the registry fix to change the port to 3390, right? Did you make a firewall exclusion for 3390 if your windows firewall is on? did you reboot your PC after you made the change to 3390, and did you do a netstat -a to make sure your comp was listening on 3390?

That error message you are getting is just a generic message when you can't connect to the host. How advanced is the router at your office? see if you can open up some logs and see where its dropping.

I took Magicberry's advice and changed the port forwarding to 3389. I haven't made any changes tp the registry but i did google for the RDC port and it said 3390. I did netstat -a and i see LISTENING on port 3389.

My router is a NETGEAR Wireless N WNR2000. I checked the logs nothing flags up showing disconnecting. It seems that when i reboot the router RDC magically starts working again tho.

give teamviewer a try

I've got teamviewer installed, it's not the best for high res. I'll use it if i can't get RDC to stop fookin up.