Reimproving Quality Score

Aug 24, 2009
La La Land
I'm kinda new in AM so i have been struggling to finish my LP for a cleansing offer, started an adwords campaign with 200 kw and got for most of them a QS of 7 and for some 10. Left it 2 days, got like 50 clicks and 2 conv. and then BAM. QS got to 3, 4 for most of the kw and for some even 2. In my adwords acct. says the LP is good but the kw is not relevant, WTF ?

So, i wanted to move and restart with other offer/lp/campaign but i thought i would ask you guys for some advice first.

What should i do to reimprove my QS? Should i struggle to improve it again or move on ?

My LP is here.