RegisterFLY get's it's wings CLIPPED...!

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Beat me to the punch. Yep, Register"Shit"Fly is no longer an enom reseller. People will be able to keep their domains at enom or transfer out.
those fuckers and their shitty customer service.

the enom FAQ (Link) says that privacy protection might not get pushed along with the domains.


  1. I have other RegisterFly services attached to my domain name such as web hosting, SSL certificates, ProtectFly, Site Creator, FlyBlogger, etc. Will those be affected?

    As RegisterFly is the direct provider of those services, you will need to contact them directly for questions and information regarding the current state of these services. eNom offers many of these same services and if you choose to create an account with eNom our Customer Support team can assist you in setting up comparable services for your domain names.
They had it comming. You would think they would clean up their customer support with all the complaints. Namecheap is much better
Got one email so far (need 2 more)..and it said an incorrect amount of domains for that specific account. So make sure you check the number when you go to the migrate page. According to the email, all domains will be locked in 30-days if they're not pushed or transferred out of RF.
Those cock suckers billed my ass twice. Thank god i was using a virtual cc and the didn't try to milk me for more. I tried to send them e-mail, open tickets, etc. Fuckers didn't even bother responding. It was for about low $xxx. Luckily I made a shit more with the throw away domains (.info's if you get my drift). I didn't push them because I didn't want them to fuck with my domains. So I ate the charge. But I'm happy that they got the boot. I hope this move with enom will work out.
I lost a site that was worth at least $3,000 because of those cock suckers. I am really hoping to see a class action against their owners.
ahahaha..RF is offering $5.99 transfer deals to go BACK to RF from enom!

Discontinuation of using reseller services with

We are aware that enom may have sent a notice in regards to the relationship between enom/registerfly.

As of February 2006 become an ICANN Accredited registrar. We formerly used to resell domain services under but stopped accepting registrations for them on February of 2006 (1 year ago). Since we are ICANN Accredited we have no need to process new registrations/transfers under enom anymore and spent the past year moving large numbers of names away from to The amount of names remaining at is relatively small. Any registrations/transfers after February 1st 2006 are directly under, inc. which would not be affected by this.

Our top priority is ensuring our customers are not impacted in anyway during this transition. If you are a customer, rest assured we value your business and strive to offer the lowest possible pricing with the best online tools. For a limited time you can renew/transfer your name away from for only $5.99 per domain name. One year will be added upon
completion of the transfer. If you decide to stay with enom as the registrar you will pay considerably higher to renew than the special $5.99 rate we are offering. You can contact our customer care center at 305-674-0165 (8AM to 9PM) or via email on specifics on how to move your domain name(s) over and take advantage of these special savings today.

If you call within the next 48 hours and take advantage of this offer you will be eligible to receive an additional $7.99 account credit towards next years renewal.

To contact our support staff:

PHONE: call us 305-674-0165 (8AM to 9PM 7 days a week)

Please ask for the special code when you call in to RENEW/TRANSFER away from to


Call or email us for more specifics on how to take advantage of this special
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