Redesigning results in dropping from google?

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New member
Aug 25, 2007
I'm considering redesigning one of my top preforming and biggest sites although im worried because i read that sometimes google can drop sites.

Can anyone make it a little clearer to me as to how to go about redesigning without dropping?

I plan to keep all the url structure the same and the navigation will be in the same place hopefully.

I just completed a large redesign of a site that hadn't been changed in years.

If your site is already ranking well, then you want to change as little as possible. If you can leave the URLs untouched, do so. If not, 301 like crazy. Mind your title tags, meta descriptions, anchor texts and page copy. Migrate them where possible. If you have inbound links to pages that are going to be moved, contact the sites that are linking to you and try to get them to update their links.

Also, put together a list of GOOD link targets. I don't mean lame ass directories and article sites. I mean other webmasters linking to you by choice from good pages on their sites.

Once your redesigned site goes up and you submit an up-to-date sitemap to google, watch for the shift. When you start to see your rankings change, begin hammering away at your targets. Getting some quality inbound links immediately post-relaunch will help stop or at least cushion your fall.

Look at your current site and your redesigned site (on a dev server or whatever) using Lynx or Poodle Predictor. How different are they? What can you do to make them more similar?
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