recruiting / selling the salesmen

laguna beach

paintin walls
May 25, 2008
cell block D
Haven't been on here for awhile... here's the latest- I made some dough with zeek rewards / MLM before it blew up and went to hell.

I got a call from one of my buddies saying that there was a new thing out and the people behind it are killing it. So, I did some digging around and I found out that it is for real. Big checks. blah blah blah. So we were sitting around brainstorming and I thought that instead of making someone else rich again, to take this on myself, but put a positive twist on it. Well, I am three weeks into making this happen from scratch and now the guy that was interested is getting cold feet because -here's the SHOCKER!- there is a lot of hard work involved... ass!

Anyway, I am not going to let this just fall to the way side. Fuck it. After seeing this other douche hauling in big checks with bad grammar and no sales ability, I figure I can do something special with this.

So probably gonna need a bunch of work done on various tasks. Instead of giving it all to freelancer I figure I can throw some work to WF peeps.

Oh, I need a white label email scraper I can brand. COUGH! CHEAP! COUGH! start with that. I will get my pm updated.

all 4 now.

Cool story?

Sounds like you need to get out more, maybe make some friends and chat with people who care?
There's nothing special with this, it won't make you more money, it doesn't convert better, it doesn't have a better scheme
My sister was pulled into a bullshit Amway MLM scam and they taught her to disregard and disown family if we didn't buy her shit. I haven't heard from her in years.

Here's hoping all your emails hit the spam box, bro.
My sister was pulled into a bullshit Amway MLM scam and they taught her to disregard and disown family if we didn't buy her shit. I haven't heard from her in years.

Here's hoping all your emails hit the spam box, bro.

I understand MLM is a different breed of cat, and it wasn't for me either. But Amway did $11.8 Billion in sales last year... that's Billion with a motherfuckin' B. Just sayin'.