

New member
Jul 6, 2009
Yes, I'm a noob, so my questions will probably seem foolish to some of you, but I need to at least ask. Are there ANY good programs out there someone can recommend that will teach me a little about affiliate marketing? (Something that isn't a scam, obviously) I need some serious help. I have alot of questions and I don't even understand most of the jargon being used when I go to forums to try and read up on things.

Jenny: Teach you and not be a scam? Honestly, you're best bet is to just sit back and read the stuff in the "Treasure Trove" posts that have been stickied (use the search function).
Don't do just yet. Just read and absorb. When you finally get your head around the stuff in the Treasure Trove, or have spent a month thinking it all over (whichever takes longer), launch a campaign. Record everything you do.
If it succeeds, congratulations. Scale it up, profit.
If it tanks, tell us what you did and where you think you went wrong, and we'll try to set you straight.

Lastly, if you end up at WaFo... most of those WSOs are free things that have been repackaged, or are shit in the first place. Most of them are in them are in the free thread here.

papajohn: Dude, you've been here long enough to know we don't dickroll the n00bs when they ask n00bish question in the section for the damn n00bs! Seriously. Save the dick for the people that ought to know better.
papajohn: Dude, you've been here long enough to know we don't dickroll the n00bs when they ask n00bish question in the section for the damn n00bs! Seriously. Save the dick for the people that ought to know better.

Aaack I jumped the gun. Edited for noob helping, I forgot this is the noob forum, not shooting the shit. Offer still stands, I'll help the noob out personally on AIM.
LOL affiliate programs would accept you, pay you and also teach you how to make them pay you?

Just looking for a program for beginners that will help me understand what I'm reading....I need to be able to actually know what I'm reading in order to put something in to action. Some of the stuff I'm reading now may as well be written in French because I flat out do not know much affiliate marketing lingo.
BTW - I already saw the dick roll thing......TWICE! lol - I was just reading, clicking and bam! Now I will be singing "You Spin Me Right Round" for the rest of the evening. :D
BTW - I already saw the dick roll thing......TWICE! lol - I was just reading, clicking and bam! Now I will be singing "You Spin Me Right Round" for the rest of the evening. :D
yeah, but it's a dick move to dickroll noobs in the noob forum, sorry about that one.
I've done PPC Coach, and it was alright, but not really worth it for me after the first month or two. Your mileage may vary.

The treasure trove, here in the noob forum is good, as was already mentioned.

Also, someone here was strongly recommending some training materials called the black ink project, which can apparently be had for free (theblackinkproject[dotcom])/bi1/), haven't looked it over much, but it seems pretty good.

Also, if you've got a dude with 700+ posts offering to help you out on AIM...take him up on it!
Also, someone here was strongly recommending some training materials called the black ink project, which can apparently be had for free (theblackinkproject[dotcom])/bi1/), haven't looked it over much, but it seems pretty good.

Cool, I'll def. look into it.

Also, if you've got a dude with 700+ posts offering to help you out on AIM...take him up on it!

I did and he spent a little one on one time with me and offered up some great advice. I'm extremely appreciative of it and plan to put some stuff into action within the next couple days.
Posts don't mean jack. Look how he spent 4 of his posts in here

He's far more experienced than I am in this business, so I have no reason not to listen to him.
Has anyone recommended NickyCakes' Newbie Guide to you yet?

Newbie Guide |

That and (I get the feeling Im gonna get burned for even mentioning this guys name) ShoeMoney's Xtreme guide.

ShoeMoney Xtreme Internet Marketing Guides

I mention those 2 because they're on opposite ends of the spectrum style wise. The 2 of them combined is kinda what gave me a slight understanding of some basics.

I had a little bit of experience with internet stuff from just the "use the internet for years and make a couple of blogs" side of things so that gave me a slight running start too.

Are you starting from scratch or are you familiar with anything like wordpress, html, photoshop? Stuff like that gives you an edge.

My first experience was selling on ebay for about 3 years on a full time basis and I designed my own auction pages because I was really intrigued by all the cool stuff you could do using HTML. From there, I sold on other sites and eventually had two ecommerce fashion jewelry sites of my own for a few years. I did alot of designing myself, but I did use templates. (I didn't just sit down with a blank page and design away) I was with a company that uploaded my feed to Google Base and I held the #1 spot in Google Shopping results for a long time if you were doing a search for what I was selling. I started selling replica jewelry and Google base rejected my feed 3 times with 3 diff domain names. (By the way, I'm planning to do a blog on selling counterfiets and why you should not do it) I really want out of the business altogether and that's why I'm here.
Also, I am learning Gimp - Photoshop is too expensive and my cracked version crapped out on me.