recommend sales/marketing books

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The Advertised Mind - Erik Du Plesis

Heavy stuff but superb insight. In a nutshell - Emotion drives everything. It totally flips the idea of attention and then action. Without Emotion there is no attention.

Its changed the way I do things from design of my LPs to the writing of ads for G.

Serious, data led stuff..

IronLogik's recommendation is a great one (thanks for the reminder to read it again).

You may want to check out Advertising Secrets of the Written Word by Joe Sugarman for direct marketing stuff.

If you have a bit of extra time, grab Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson. It's a good read, moves fast and you'll chuckle at his shenanigans.

* those aren't affiliate links, by the way.
Anything by Seth Godin.

I second the Branson biog - read it three times - amazing!

Just started 'made to stick' - seems pretty interesting...

The Sales Bible
Jeffrey Gittomer

Most important sale book I ever read.

Also, I cant remember the author at the moment but "Selling to V.I.T.O." also helped.
The 4 Hour Work Week. Nothing too deep, but it made me glad to know that there are other people out there who despise the "work until you're too old to have fun and then wait to die" work ethic.
"simpleology" is also a good read. 4 hour work week is good; I regularly reread it. The great thing about 4 hour work week is that there's a reading list in the back; lots of good books on that list.
I just grabbed a copy of "4 Hour Work Week" because of this thread.

I'm only on Chapter 5 but it's already been a nice inspiration and an interesting read.

I'm overdue for a good read. Thanks for the recommendation.
Cosign on 4 Hour Workweek (Ferris), Influence (Cialdini), and Meatball Sundae (Godin).
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