recommend niche

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Aug 7, 2007
I am trying to find a niche to make a blog on but it looks like everything is getting saturated at the moment..

looking for a tool which can suggest more or less relevant niche or a peice of niche which can be explored

Just Hang 5, a very helpful Wicked Fire member will be along very shortly.....
everything saturated?... that box your in look out of it...I just started 2 niche sites this month (my first venture in niche sites) and they are both earning already.

Use: Google AdWords: Keyword Tool Use and seo for firefox etc to asses your competition. You 'seem' to know SEO so yea should be easy for you to hit the top spots!
Nooooo... every niche that has lead payouts of $35+ is saturated.
Seriously, you think people are going to give you a niche they're in that's profitable because it's under exploited? Shit dude, make something up with some fucking creativity or some shit.

That site on the internet with that shit you want and can never find? Fucking make that site.
I did for one, and it pulls in about $20 a day just from PPC banners, and another ~$20 from PPS affiliate programs.
Make yourself 10-20 of those sites, and it's easy street.
Go to Wal-mart, walk up and down the isles of the store.

Pick a product that is obscure and hidden in the back corners of the store.

Go online and search the saturation of that product.

Chances are, you will have just stumbled across a niche that has not been exploited. is available. Your niche is to recommend niches. You will make big money and give me 10% as your way of saying thanks.
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