Recommend me some good Affiliate/Internet Marketing books


New member
May 14, 2008
Not E-Books but just regular books. I'm overwhelmed with boredom sitting at that cubicle all day. Instead of reading magazines all day I'd like to read books that pertaining to what I want do.

So I wanted to get some recommendations on good reads for books that pertain to IM, AM, sales copy, social media marketing, SEO, the buying process etc...

Alot of books have general and obvious information. That's not what I want.

Who are the good authors? I've been thinking about that Seth Godin guy or Zig Ziglar?


Find videos of these guys and watch them. May save some time.
You are unlikely to find any good book about IM/AM which has solid actionable information.
Cashvertising <-- awesome for writing copy

The problem with AM is that the industry is evolving so fast - so by the time a book gets published specific strategies get outdated.
Yeah you two are right. I currently have a copy of Cashvertising and have read that too many times. Just wanted to know what else is out there. I bought a book on SEO today though.

I get bored and just want to keep my mind stimulated while at work. We dont have internet at our desks
theres an seo book written by the seomoz guys thats supposed to be ok
Other than that mostly it's general business type books which are good because you should be looking at it as a business
Here a few REALLY good sales copy books:

Tested Advertising Methods - John Caples
Breakthrough Advertising - Gene Schwartz
How to Write a Good Advertisement - Vic Schwabb
Think and Grow Rich for the mindset/planning
Cashvertising for the copy/psychology
Landing Page Optimization for the testing/analytics

If you want a course on paid traffic, I think Gauher Chaudry's are top notch - PPC Formula and PPV Formula. For media buys, Traffic Tactics, For SEO, Seobook and Stompernet are decent, but a lot of the best SEO stuff is free and online, easily found via searching google for blogs and guides, and there aren't really super top secret SEO algorithms, there are basic principles and guidelines and techniques and tools.

As far as the mindset goes, not the technical aspects of things, want to know what a lot of business books will say, as well as people on this forum? Make a solid, well researched plan, and then take action. Do not create a plan and then 1 month later create a new plan without fully executing the first one, and then a month after your second one, make a third. If you read 500 business success books, the key points of each one will likely be along the lines of 'have a burning desire, take action, do not quit when you fail, stay focused with unshakeable followthrough, think big, always test, never get lazy, always scale'... pretty much as simple as that. But cashvertising and landing page optimization really cover a lot of bases, and this is coming from someone who has a 20gb ebook library of this genre. Get basic mindset down, get OBSESSED with making money and make it a top priority in your life, basic copywriting tenets, some technical abilities, familiarize yourself with scaling/optimization, the tools of the trade, the various techniques, and then just start doing things. Everyone will say that, just start taking action. CPA is so ridiculously easy to get started in you don't really need to read much (although at stages in the process it'll help), unlike, options trading, or something. Reading for pleasure and personal enrichment is one thing, but reading hundreds of business books before you're making at least 50k a year entirely online (which honestly isn't that unreasonable a figure for a highly motivated person who can put in large amounts of work hours) is probably diverting your focus. And don't get me wrong, books and courses are great, but I've seen many people in this industry who get too into books and not enough into working.
And let me clarify, every affiliate marketer ever neeeeeds to read Landing Page Optimization by Tim Ash... he has a cognitive science degree and a PhD in computer science specializing in neural networks and artificial intelligence, and now his main focus is MAKING MONIES ONLINE. So you want to read what he has to say, he comes from a very unique backround and a lot of what he says you can't get anywhere else.
Every single guy who has made money in AM related stuff reached a point where they stopped reading and started crashing and burning until stuff started working. Absorb as much as you can, but don't go crazy and wake up a year later having not done anything.

Build shit and fail. Next time around, build more shit but don't fail as much.