Recommend CPA/PPLs? Use me as a commission....

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
Can we please have some really experienced and successful members' opinion on this. I think someone else asked a slightly similar question.

Mainly I'd like to know:

1) How much does one need to "sell" the benefits of taking the action step even if it is free (ex....get this ringtone so you'll be cool to your friends vs. a simple graphic/logo or link to the merchant)

2) With all the programs out there, how would one find the EASIEST TO CONVERT programs (just to get your feet wet.....learn the ropes, etc.)

3) gave someone a commission from this site because I signed up. The problem is, I haven't received revenue credit for conversions "granted it has only been about 12 hours). Is this company legit? How long does it take before leads show up. It shoes hits but not people who definitely qualified and filled out.

4) Is Azoogle the best network to start out on for a newbie? If someone can recommend good networks, please let me know and I will happily follow your link and give you credit! Thanks....

For obvious reasons I will not self promote and answer your fourth question completely. :anon.sml:

Here are my thoughts:

1. I think it truly depends on the offer. If you are selling ringtones to an elderly crowd, you may need to prod them a little. I think you need to know your audience then answer that question depending on the product you are selling.

2. Talk to your affiliate manager. A good affiliate manager will be there for you, suggesting high converting offers and steering you in the correct direction. Helping you get to making money.

3. We have dealt briefly with them. They were supposed to run some of our offers. Never happened though. Look at the offer that is being ran though. Some offers are not real time reporting.

4. Call the affiliate networks. Talk to an Affiliate Manager. Explain to them what you are looking for. Then based on how you feel, sign up for one or two. At the beginning I would not suggest signing up for a lot of them.

If you don't feel comfortable with the affiliate manager assigned to you, you can ask for another one.

Hope this helped.
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