Recommend a VPS


New member
Apr 7, 2009
I've been busted @ VPS Land for running a blog poster :eek7:, can anyone recommend a solid vps host and possibly how to sign up anonymously?

Personally I like vpslink. Cheap and I have always had good stability. They give me this referral key that gets you a 10% lifetime discount, and I get like a free month. The few times I've had to submit a trouble ticket they acctually answered it in good time and resolved my fubars. They are cheap. What do other people have to say about vpslink?

Referral key: GFMMW7

Also when you buy things check out they have coupon codes for all kinds of services. Incase you decide to not go with vpslink.
If you're on a budget and looking for a cheap VPS solution I'd highly recommend
They're the best on budget VPSs.
However, you could also check out for some nice VPSs. More expensive than VolumeDrive but WTH, they're nice too.
Try ServInt. They are very highly recommended in the VPS world. I think I have a 50% off the first month coupon code somewhere. Let me know if you want me to hunt it down. (no affiliation)

I pick up the phone, somebody answers in less than 60 seconds. No BS voicemail hell, no answering machine. Beat that. (VPS is under $50 a month, easy)
I've been busted @ VPS Land for running a blog poster :eek7:, can anyone recommend a solid vps host and possibly how to sign up anonymously?

banned for running a blog poster?????? which one? And how busy was it?
cannot say anything negative about my experiences with
lots of plans (cheapest is 360megs RAM for 19.95)
lots of datacenters to choose from
easy to upgrade/downgrade the account
easy to setup (including reverse dns)
incredible community/support.

this is an unmanaged vps, not an 'easy to use account with cpanel", if u want a back-end you'll have to purchase the license and install it yourself.