Reasonable Price For This Site.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
I've been messing around with some SEO stuff lately and have a mediocre site that's getting about 700 uniques and around 4000 page views per month. I know that's not much but the traffic is highly targeted and the site ranks page 1 and 2 for a lot of long tail keywords. I'm making about 2 to 3 hundred a month off the traffic through Ebay right now... though that could become sketchy with the new payment system.

My question is what would be a reasonable price to get for a site like this. Would it be possible to sell it as is to someone with an EPN account. Could they just transfer the site into a campaign on their account? Where would your recommend trying to sell a site like this?

Like I said, I know it's not much and I might be better off hanging on to it and getting the couple hundred bucks a month but was just curious about the opinions of pros in this area.

Oh, the domain is only about 4 months old and the sites only been doing those numbers for a couple of months. I'm sure that matters.

Look at your stats more closely, what are they telling you?

It's not just about uniques and pageviews, what is the general trend? Is it getting more traffic? Less tarffic? More conversions? Less conversions? Higher SERP ranking? Lower?

You get my point.

If it still improving then wait until it reaches it peak then sell.

You could probably get $500+ for the site depending on how legit your figures are and how maintainable the income is. Try Flippa, DigitalPoint, here (wickedfire) and all the other webmaster forums.
Generally it's 10-12*monthly revenue. Given how new the site is and EPN changing it's payment system might knock that down some though. Throw it up on flippa, you should be able to get at least 2k.
10x revenue assuming that the site has a earnings history of more than a month. preferably several consistent months