Really WickedFire? I feel you are screwing yourself


Jan 12, 2010
I came back after months of crashed PC, only to find it now costs to post a BST thread. That was one reason I loved this forum, you there was no cost to invest which is great if you are struggling.

Not even so much the cost, but the fact that your thread closes in 10 days is absurd. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't know any other IM forum that a PAID thread closes in 10 days (or at all).
Closing a thread in 10 days does not allow many responses to threads. I see a max of like 30 posts in threads now. You know what gets me to buy a service? when I see a thread with 10 pages and 400 posts/replies.

It's like going to Google and choosing the restaurant with the most reviews. I will choose the restaurant with 48 reviews and 3 stars than the restaurant with 1 rating any day.

I think $36 every 10 days is greedy. There are lots of people from India that charge $5 for services, $36 every 10 days does not leave much profit (I am not from India nor sell $5 services).

All this does is potentially raise the cost to consumers as well (passing the cost over).

I really do not like this idea and am not sure if I will use this BST forum anymore. But we shall see.

Maybe another suggestion could be if you make 0 sales, you can repost for free. $36/10 days? How bout $10/30 days. ;) Internet Marketing forums are a dime a dozen these days. If you want to stand out, charge less. the real WF charges like $75 but how long does your thread stay open for? ANd how much more traction does it get than this site?

Think about it.

*THese are real concerns and if you do not have anything productive to say like "leave" don't post here and move along. Valuable criticism only.
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Peasant spotted!
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I hate to say it champ, but if you can't make more than $36 in 10 days providing your service then you're probably selling the wrong thing.
Thread closing is annoying for buyers. Happened a couple of times where i've been unable to contact a seller in public.

It's easy for them to ignore PMs, but if you post on their public sales thread with something that could lead to a negative, they quickly reply. With these rules they can hide behind a closed thread and lie low for a while.

Keeping threads open would be better for buyers, and legitimate sellers.
Why on earth did it take you months to recover from a crashed PC? I would have jumped off a bridge if I couldn't get access within like... 48 hours, tops.

My main takeaway from Pubcon last year, was one of the speakers suggested following you on Twitter. Just now getting around to tell you that.
Who the hell was that? I was unaware of any shoutout. :p

I cant remember the speakers name (some one I didnt know) and I was half asleep until I saw a slide with your twitter name and he said to follow you.

Thought I was at the wrong conference for a minute, and was waiting for the meatspin on the next slide.
Shit. I really wish I knew. Which Pubcon was it? Maybe I'll know one of the speakers.

It was the Nov. Pubcon. The session was an "affiliate session." Not so much affiliate marketing in the sense of this forum.

I might still have the book of presenters. There were four on that panel, but I will dig and see if I can find the presenters for that session.
You're a piece of trash and don't deserve to be on this forum. This isn't Communist Russia, ruin people's reputation because they voice their opinions.

Maybe part of the pricepoint is to keep people who cant afford it out. Nothing more enjoyable than some retard who buys a $15 ALN blast and messages you every 15 minutes demanding a status update. Except indian writers who demand you give more work to them.