Real/virtual Windows PC - Recommendations?


New member
Jul 4, 2007
I need a real/virtual Windows PC that I can access remotely? Any companies that offers such a thing - and any recommendations?

(My laptop doesn't like running WMWare and god knows what else at the same time - and I travel too much to have an extra PC myself)

Assuming you have home internet service ....

1.) Get a domain - it can be a cheap .info, doesn't matter - e.g. ""

2.) Research and learn about Dynamic DNS - set your domain to use dynamic DNS

3.) Install a local dynamic DNS client on your home PC. Also enable Terminal Services.

4.) Get a Linksys or Netgear (or whatever) router that allows you to do port forwarding. Forward port 3389 to your PC's IP. If you need to set your IP to a static one do so.

Once all of this is place you can use RDP to connect to "" and voila - it all works.

Some ISP's REALLY hate when you do this - but they can't stop you unless they are doing port blocking. That's a lot of extra configuration so most do not do that.
From the sounds of it your primary concern is local resource usage, so any remote desktop solution will work. If you want something simple you can try the basic service is free to use or at least it used to be and you can control the remote PC from any web browser. It is idiot proof but not quite as clean as using rdp like sharksfan suggested.

If the reason you are wanting a separate pc is for network usage just rent a windows vps server and you can have 100 mb connections up and down.
Cloud Computing will give you an elegant solution for you. You may try a cloud service such as Amazon EC2. You will be charged per usage.
Guess remote desktop might do. But since we sometimes travel for months at a time, I'm worried that something will make the remote PC turn off...
In that case I would just get a Windows VPS or dedicated server somewhere then you can always hit up tech support if err when windows crashes.
I don't think Virtualbox it is more effective then wmware, wmware is far more polished app. So if it does not work for you I don't think Virtualbox will.

If you are away from home for months, sharksfan's solution not gonna work.
Power outage and pc not coming back, modem needs a reset...

If you still want to set it up there is no need to do step 1 and 2, just use something like - Free Domain Name, Managed DNS, Email Services they will give you subdomain

You need dedi or vps.

Desktop OS (xp, vista, 7) are not common by hosting providers, so if you are ok running server2003 or 2008 this is the way to go without installing anything..

Just make sure they will let you run whatever you are planning to run on it.