Real / Fake Traffic = SERP ranking?


New member
May 11, 2012
If you get a 99% Bounce rate real traffic, Will that increase your site's SERP or anything at all?


I see people selling fake traffics on WF and Fiverr, I don't get what's the point if it's going to screw up your Site stats and potentially ruin future partnerships.
The reason you see people selling fake traffic, is to increase their Alexa rankings with traffic. They are either looking to increasing sell their site in flippa, or just pretend they have a big dick to someone.

Also, 99% bounce rate, doesn't effect your website, UNLESS Google is directly sending the traffic that is at 99% bounce rate, or a search engine. Also, the only way Google can know you other stats is with Google Analytics... so if you are doing something shady that is attempting to fake your way up, it would be retarded to install Google Analytics...
I believe someone once did an experiment with botted traffic, by writing a bot that performed a Google search and entered his site from the search results. It had no effect on his SERPs.
Nobody takes Alexa seriously unless you are under 100,000. That's a lot of fake traffic.
I don't understand the point of the fake traffic, fake links...for what? If you don't actually have the content the person that is on your site wants, then they will "bounce". Have credible content, why bring them there if you have nothing to offer them.
The bounce rate doesn't have anything to do with your SERP position. The bounce rate is simply the percentage of people that visit your site and they exit without seeing your other pages.
No, This will not boost your SERP.

And if you have google analytics... this is going to look very fishy to them and might get your site flagged
I would be very wary and as per last commentator don't do it if you have google analytics. I convinced they use this bounce data in the algo when they have it.
I would be very wary and as per last commentator don't do it if you have google analytics. I convinced they use this bounce data in the algo when they have it.
If your on Google Analytics GTFO man!
I have no proof just common sense man..
If you want to increase your traffic by buying bot traffic and you are using google's very own tool then your in for a boat load of shit!

One more thing there is no use on fake traffic unless you are already getting SERP traffic + PPC traffic (facebook,adwords & a couple more) + email traffic and a lot more... then put up fake traffic to your site... then you'll gain One hell of Alexa Rankings then sell it on flippa for profits.... Nothing else... If you're not getting this types of traffic to your sites then fake traffic is just a waste of your time and money
Friends People Interest I know Fb Traffic you make your page and make 10000 of like and see your site traffic..
People bought this traffic to either increase alexa rank or to inflate views on certain pages on website so they appeared on the front page. ie ezinearticles.