As part of my desire to toss all my web design clients (because they suck the life out of me), I am in the process of transferring control of a .ca domain to another designer that the client selected.
I responded to the transfer email from to approve the transfer.
Then two days later another one came in and I almost approved it thinking it was the same thing. Good thing I read it! The new designer had put in a change order to change the email contact of ALL of my .ca domains to their email address!! WHOA.
Now I like to be optimistic that this was a mistake and not an attempt to hijack my domains, but I don't know yet. I sent a nasty email to the designer I was in contact with - whether it was him or his hosting company who pulled this - I don't know.
Needless to say, I rejected the change. Make sure you read those emails carefully!!!
I responded to the transfer email from to approve the transfer.
Then two days later another one came in and I almost approved it thinking it was the same thing. Good thing I read it! The new designer had put in a change order to change the email contact of ALL of my .ca domains to their email address!! WHOA.
Now I like to be optimistic that this was a mistake and not an attempt to hijack my domains, but I don't know yet. I sent a nasty email to the designer I was in contact with - whether it was him or his hosting company who pulled this - I don't know.
Needless to say, I rejected the change. Make sure you read those emails carefully!!!