Re-coding a mini-mall-Help!


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
What I am trying to build is based on a "source code" I borrowed from one of my affiliate sites with 5900 lines of code!

In most the code I can identify the "company's" information, and have began the exhausting process of stripping this infomation, and replacing it with my own URL's, header, colors, text, graphics, etc..

To further explain, it is a eCommerce based site, with over 2000 products. I've submitted an email to 'my affiliate" (the site's rightful owner) and requested permission to use the product images for my own catalog as they are the same product.

Naturally, I want to copy the img and change the src to my own location.

In addition, I fear the complications of then uploading the products in my own database, whereby within the variable php commands, I can maintain the the same options for the viewing and purchasing product(s)-but in short....long way to go in understanding if I need to create a new database associated to my re-written php commands, and change the specifics of where those items are stored!

I feel like i'm doing this all ass-backwards!

There's no way in hell, I'll be able to build something like this from scratch. Naturally, I can change the sites theme (i.e. header, graphics, and specific elements and anything linking to or identifying my affiliate) respectively.

Just for shits and giggle's, what would the rough cost be if I were to find a programmer to assist me in completing this nightmare?

Again, the site is a full-blown shopping mall of sort with 100's of sub-pages, internal, and external links.

I thought about using a 3rd party eCommerce site just for the support, but then I'd be paying them every month, and still need to write the code, list the product, create check-out redirects, create variables, etc...

O.k. so with the understanding that there are several sub-pages in addition to this main-page mammoth, is this a logical approach to creating a similar website?

Other than kill myself...any recommendations or potential problems not mentioned above, would be greatly appreciated!

Unfortunately, within my circle of friends there's people of all professions, but not a one that's into computer programming...just my luck! (And they all think affiliate marketing is a "scam" and that I'm fucking crazy and wasting my time!" -Determined to prove them wrong cause they don't see it!



I am considering running a local ad craigslist later to interview local programmers that are looking for a project. Has anyone ever offered a deferred payment to a web-developer, whereas for example; I'd give them $200-$300 to do the job, and then give them a percentage (like 5 or10%) of the sites future earnings for the first 2years (if any) and credit as the developer w/ a link to his/her personal site/service?
yes and no!

I don't want to steal their site, but replicate their success with it. Therefore, if I duplicate a similar format that houses their products...they make money, and so do I.

Didn't realize it could be viewed as 'stealing' their site.

It's complicated, as the permissions I'll have concerning product will allow me to profit, and in turn profit them doing so.

I think, after reading your response...I'll need to start from scratch, and maybe mimmick certain features of their sites layout and function. But yeah, i'm a dick I was trying to find a short-cut to getting this done. My bad!
so you're basically trying to create a carbon copy of their ecommerce site, without access to their server.

Despite it immediately comes to my mind a quick method of doing it that would require less than one hour, are you supposing they'll give you permission to do so?

And how do you plan to sell goods? replacing their links with affiliate links?
What about creating one or many landing pages and directing traffic to their site as any legitimate affiliate would do?
yes and no!

I don't want to steal their site, but replicate their success with it. Therefore, if I duplicate a similar format that houses their products...they make money, and so do I.

Didn't realize it could be viewed as 'stealing' their site.

It's complicated, as the permissions I'll have concerning product will allow me to profit, and in turn profit them doing so.

I think, after reading your response...I'll need to start from scratch, and maybe mimmick certain features of their sites layout and function. But yeah, i'm a dick I was trying to find a short-cut to getting this done. My bad!

Are you a fucking retard? You keep stating "MY Affiliate" when I think you mean that you are THEIR affiliate", amiright?

What you want is a product feed or such, but you need to get their express approval to use their shit, and make sure their terms allow it before you go one step further.

And listen to Icecube- why the fuck would you want to go to all that fuckin hassle? Build landers- many landers- use shopperpress or something and build pages only targeted to the best sellers or biggest tickets. Send the traffic direct to the buy page while taking a crack at an opt-in along the way, and build your niche lists at the same time.

Fuck, it really ain't all that complicated, mate...