Raw Vegan Chick Breaks Down Her Business Model


King of the Jungle
Jul 3, 2007
A raw vegan I follow basically breaks down her business model and how she makes money. Nothing new or groundbreaking here for most but I like stuff like this when people break down their business with full disclosure. She's not balling but makes a good income doing what she loves. It's nice to see these success stories with regular people who just follow their passion and turn it into an income stream.

First part is pretty boring just fyi, you can skip it if you want. 2nd part is where they break it down.

TL;DW -> Passion + Quality + Consistency = Success.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT2xp2Ui7CU]How Do I Make Money? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynflR8YSxYk]How Do I Make Money - Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
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$4K eBooks
$680 Youtube Ads
$389 Paperbacks
$382 Amazon
$166 Vitamix

Per Month.. + Yearly (T-shirts $1500 x 4 Times Per Year) + Catering Jobs $700-$1500 + Vacation Club ($1000)


I swear people are obsessed with eBooks.. Like instead of buying a gym membership and going, they'd rather shell out $75 for a fitness guide..


Also $680/Month for YouTube Ads?... Not sure if serious.. 1.8 Million views, 34K Subs, etc.. I did well over $500+/Month off ~50K+ views, with 20 subscribers, and one semi-viral-ish video, nothing impressive at all.. Have a hard time buying she's only making $8K/year from Youtube...

$4K eBooks
$680 Youtube Ads
$389 Paperbacks
$382 Amazon
$166 Vitamix

Per Month.. + Yearly (T-shirts $1500 x 4 Times Per Year) + Catering Jobs $700-$1500 + Vacation Club ($1000)


I swear people are obsessed with eBooks.. Like instead of buying a gym membership and going, they'd rather shell out $75 for a fitness guide..

Her eBooks are really recipe books that she also has in paperback. She doesn't sell some shitty diet/fat loss books with false promises. Nothing a gym membership can replace.
Follow your passion is the biggest bullshit line ever written.

Most people who ends up pursuing what they believe is their passion will start to dislike it, since it was used as a way of disconnect/relax/recharge. When they then have to perform that thing everyday to make a living so can a lot of things change.

Follow your passion is the biggest bullshit line ever written.

Most people who ends up pursuing what they believe is their passion will start to dislike it, since it was used as a way of disconnect/relax/recharge. When they then have to perform that thing everyday to make a living so can a lot of things change.


That's mainly because people are full of shit and don't really know what they truly enjoy because they can't be honest with themselves. Or, they fall in love with the idea of something as a means to an end and end up hating the process.

When I played poker professionally, I didn't actually love the game - I loved the idea of what it could bring me. Although, at first, I thought I loved that game. Naturally, I eventually ended up hating every second that I *had* to play. However, when I make websites, create them, manage them, and all the other stuff that goes along with AM'ing, I don't hate the process because I actually enjoy it.

Also doesn't help that most people are too stupid to monetize their passions effectively and leverage their experience/knowledge properly.

TL;DR - Be honest with yourself and be smart enough to leverage your passion properly and never work again.
Follow your passion is the biggest bullshit line ever written.

Most people who ends up pursuing what they believe is their passion will start to dislike it, since it was used as a way of disconnect/relax/recharge. When they then have to perform that thing everyday to make a living so can a lot of things change.


Seems like the mistake those "people" are making is having the illusion that following your passion exempts you from having to make a living. As long as you understand that bills must be paid and the tooth fairy isn't going to be paying your rent, there is nothing wrong with following your passion.
Follow your passion is the biggest bullshit line ever written.

Most people who ends up pursuing what they believe is their passion will start to dislike it, since it was used as a way of disconnect/relax/recharge. When they then have to perform that thing everyday to make a living so can a lot of things change.


Agreed. Turning an avocation into a vocation often destroys it. I used to love to play music, but then I spent 10 years grinding it out on the road playing shitty tunes with shitty people in shitty places to pay my bills, and even though I made good $, it caused me to hate playing after a while.

Now, I play on my front porch and have a blast when I'm done raping the interwebs, and it's great.
Also $680/Month for YouTube Ads?... Not sure if serious.. 1.8 Million views, 34K Subs, etc.. I did well over $500+/Month off ~50K+ views, with 20 subscribers, and one semi-viral-ish video, nothing impressive at all.. Have a hard time buying she's only making $8K/year from Youtube...

Apparently, YouTube pays very differently for the niche you have vids in. Also, it makes a difference if you have one very popular video and many non popular videos vs loads of popular videos.

Someone also told me it makes a difference as to how often you upload vids and how long they are etc.

Basically, there are lots of variations in the YT pay scale - it's not just a simple 'per view' amount.
Apparently, YouTube pays very differently for the niche you have vids in. Also, it makes a difference if you have one very popular video and many non popular videos vs loads of popular videos.

Someone also told me it makes a difference as to how often you upload vids and how long they are etc.

Basically, there are lots of variations in the YT pay scale - it's not just a simple 'per view' amount.

Definitely niche related. Just like adsense, a video in the finance niche is going to pay a lot more per view/click than a video about eating raw vegan food. Cooking/lifestyle are on the low end just like they are with adsense. My channel in a low end (but high traffic) niche makes about $1-$2 per 1000 views.

Even at 2$ CPM, that would put her lifetime total from the 1.8 million views at $3600. I'm actually surprised she is getting a high enough CPM in that niche that she's able to make 8000/year from the ~2500 views she's averaged a day.

I'm guessing that she is only considering her most recent month (since theoretically her daily viewership should grow over time). I seriously doubt if she's been made 16000 total since the 2 years she's been on youtube on that little bit of traffic.
Follow your passion is the biggest bullshit line ever written.

Most people who ends up pursuing what they believe is their passion will start to dislike it, since it was used as a way of disconnect/relax/recharge. When they then have to perform that thing everyday to make a living so can a lot of things change.


I think what you are describing is the coffeeshop fallacy.

When someone says they want to be a musician, they think about how much fun it would be to make a money playing music. What they don't think about is how much fun it will be to hustle gigs, get in front of record labels, and other business stuff that has very little to do with playing music.

You you can’t be in love with a particular idea or business. You have to be in love with the idea of running a business. I know I follow my passions - and running a business is a core part of that. I get excited about what I'm doing, I think about it even when I'm not working. And as a result I never feel like I'm working and work at a higher level than someone who views what they do as simply a way to make money.
I get excited about what I'm doing, I think about it even when I'm not working. And as a result I never feel like I'm working and work at a higher level than someone who views what they do as simply a way to make money.

lol @ the tag.. dem harry arm pits.

This is what seperates the real entrepreneurs from the posers. Starting a business is trendy right now but only 1% really have the passion. If you can take a shit or shower in the morning without thinking about your business you probably don't want it bad enough.
I just started a finance related youtube channel. Doing about 300 views a day. I'm picking up subscribers daily, but motherf'cker, these people will not visit my site. They like the vids (according to analytics), but they're cool just absorbing info off youtube.

Anyway, any knowledge of earnings per 1k views in finance on youtube. I'm pretty sure I could scale this....
I just started a finance related youtube channel. Doing about 300 views a day. I'm picking up subscribers daily, but motherf'cker, these people will not visit my site. They like the vids (according to analytics), but they're cool just absorbing info off youtube.

Anyway, any knowledge of earnings per 1k views in finance on youtube. I'm pretty sure I could scale this....

I'd wait an entire month and then see your earnings per 1k views, again, wait 30 days, since it varies a lot, specially when you are just started with a new channel or niche.

You will earn less if you get into any partnership, that is unless you have a massive channel with millions of daily views. Stay with adsense and make sure your videos do not get flagged or removed, otherwise you will risk the adsense account itself.
I just started a finance related youtube channel. Doing about 300 views a day. I'm picking up subscribers daily, but motherf'cker, these people will not visit my site. They like the vids (according to analytics), but they're cool just absorbing info off youtube.

Anyway, any knowledge of earnings per 1k views in finance on youtube. I'm pretty sure I could scale this....

Why not post half of the vid on Youtube and tell them to visit your site to see the rest?