Quitting Red Bull


New member
Sep 9, 2011
I think I'm a little addicted to Red Bull (or the caffeine in Red Bull), and I'm kind of starting to worry about it. How can I cut back and/or quit drinking it entirely? Should I just switch to something else?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWQM6sOsd5k"]Half Baked: I Used to Suck dick for coke! - YouTube[/ame]

are you seriously that much of a pussy that you complain about being "addicted" to caffeine?
Buy an espresso maker -- a good one. The sugar in red bull is more dangerous than the caffeine.
Switching from one vice to another is always a good idea. Why not try amphetamines?
OP is a faggot

Get a real addiction, mainline some heroine then get back to us.
Check into rehab immediately. Caffeine is serious business.
...or just man the fuck up and stop drinking so much Red Bull. Deal with the headaches, move on with life.
The meth will also take care of your dental bills since your teeth will fall out - fucking dual win since they are probably half rotted from the red bull.