Quickest way to get adsense on 100's of domains


Outside your window
Oct 5, 2007
:hi:I have several hundreds, maybe a thousand or more domains I need to get some kind of adsense going on. I don't need to make money just have them more-or-less pay for themselves.

What are your recommendations on the quickest way to get a bunch of sites with a bit of content up?

I suggest to launch mini wordpress websites and slap on at least 5 unique content for each website. Allow each content to get index and backlink slowly but surely. Once the website has established consistent organic traffic (meaning from search engine search) put your Adsense code on it. If you need help putting a wordpress website together on your unused domain I can provide my service of $25 per website. It includes unique custom made wordpress theme (unique color scheme, unique header and background related to your niche), 400 plus words unique article written about your niche (SEO optimized), About Us page, Private Policy Page, and Contact Us Page. Let me know if you're interested.
If you aren't looking for unique content (or if you want spun content) feel free to hit me up. I don't have the time or desire to deal with getting unique content for that many sites.

Plenty of ways to do it and it won't cost $25 per site :) Content can come from a variety of sources including CJ, amazon, ebay, etc....