Quick Redirect Question about www.Domain.com and Domain.com


New member
Apr 25, 2012
Flushing NY
I have a domain named domain1.com. It redirects to www.domain1.com whenever someone types in domain1.com. The redirect slows down the website a great deal. Should I....

A) Server level redirect or

B) create a duplicate page of www.domain1.com or

C) is there something better i can do that i haven't thought of. Its hard to phrase what im asking into google without hitting a bunch of irrelevant topics.

What kind of redirect you got going now? 301 redirect in htcaccess? If you have a 301 set up and it's still slow it's probably got more to do with your site performance/loading speed than the redirect itself.
What kind of redirect you got going now? 301 redirect in htcaccess? If you have a 301 set up and it's still slow it's probably got more to do with your site performance/loading speed than the redirect itself.

^^ Yes, I agree with this.

Completely depends on how you are doing the redirect. a 301 in .htaccess should be fairly instantaneous since it will not load any content until it redirects. But, if you are doing a redirect with javascript or something else that has to wait until a majority of the content loads, THEN redirects, you are completely screwed on loading time.​