Quick question. Really need help.

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New member
Dec 29, 2007
I am a total noob here and I've been lurking around this forum a some times now. I'm finally ready to make my own website. Since I do not know html, my question is that are there anything disadvantages in using webhost such as Homestead.com that practically design the website for you and all you have to do is fill in the text and images? This might be a silly question, but would this have any effect in terms of traffic and in terms of the page rank when the google bot crawls the site? How would my site get indexed through something like this?

For those who are kind enough to me, thank you. I'm a college student at UC San Diego and I'm going through some tough times, finacially speaking. I've already failed miserably with Clickbank and the whole Adwords thing. Since it's Summer and I finally have some free time now, I want to give AM another chance but I really don't want to fail a second time. Please PM me with any tips that would help me get started with this. Thank you.

I am a total noob here and I've been lurking around this forum a some times now. I'm finally ready to make my own website. Since I do not know html, my question is that are there anything disadvantages in using webhost such as Homestead.com that practically design the website for you and all you have to do is fill in the text and images? This might be a silly question, but would this have any effect in terms of traffic and in terms of the page rank when the google bot crawls the site? How would my site get indexed through something like this?

For those who are kind enough to me, thank you. I'm a college student at UC San Diego and I'm going through some tough times, finacially speaking. I've already failed miserably with Clickbank and the whole Adwords thing. Since it's Summer and I finally have some free time now, I want to give AM another chance but I really don't want to fail a second time. Please PM me with any tips that would help me get started with this. Thank you.
Download a copy of dreamweaver.
But man. You can't use the boobs icon and not post boobs. I reccomend you fix that fast. this thread may already be lost, and definitely won't move forward without boobs.
How make money with no money (okay $35 for domains and $10 a month for hosting)

Tools to make money
1. Wordpress (if you can't figure out Wordpress, you are beyond hope)
2. Phpbay free plug-in until you can scratch up $50 buck.
3. Hostgator unlimited add-on domain accounts.

Steps to make money
1. Research an Ebay niche using google keywords. Look for queries on products in 1000 to 10000 range.
2. Buy domains ending in .com or .net matching those niches (blahskis so register blahskis.com or blahskis.net)
3. Post, post, post and add products to bottom of posts. Oh yeah, don't forget to register for ebay publisher account.

If you learn to do this you will make money. And you will far ahead of ... oh let's see 100000 noobs who do nothing but buy e-books and lurk on forums wondering why they don't make money.:eek:

Oh and one last thing......


If I see one more post about somebody whining about how they haven't make money in six months and they have only built one lousy site with maybe 200 words of content, then I'm going to barf.
Oh yeah: Plug-ins needed for Wordpress
1. Phpbay
2. All-in-One Seo
3. Google Analyticator
4. XML Sitemaps
How make money with no money (okay $35 for domains and $10 a month for hosting)

Tools to make money
1. Wordpress (if you can't figure out Wordpress, you are beyond hope)
2. Phpbay free plug-in until you can scratch up $50 buck.
3. Hostgator unlimited add-on domain accounts.

Steps to make money
1. Research an Ebay niche using google keywords. Look for queries on products in 1000 to 10000 range.
2. Buy domains ending in .com or .net matching those niches (blahskis so register blahskis.com or blahskis.net)
3. Post, post, post and add products to bottom of posts. Oh yeah, don't forget to register for ebay publisher account.

If you learn to do this you will make money. And you will far ahead of ... oh let's see 100000 noobs who do nothing but buy e-books and lurk on forums wondering why they don't make money.:eek:

Oh and one last thing......


If I see one more post about somebody whining about how they haven't make money in six months and they have only built one lousy site with maybe 200 words of content, then I'm going to barf.
You could've posted one link
thank you

thank you so much. I'm definitely going to give Benji's method a try. But I'm looking for an answer to my question, the one about whether there's a disadvantage in using webhosts such as homestead.com that already has template designed for you and about being indexed? I know I'm a pain in the ass but my face is pretty thick, thank you again.
thank you so much. I'm definitely going to give Benji's method a try. But I'm looking for an answer to my question, the one about whether there's a disadvantage in using webhosts such as homestead.com that already has template designed for you and about being indexed? I know I'm a pain in the ass but my face is pretty thick, thank you again.

You cannot operate Effectively in America without learning Engrish. Likewise you cannot operate Effectively on the Interwebz without learning the language. You have got to at least learn HTML as a minimum. You don't have to be fluent, but you must be proficient. Otherwise you will get little respect and genuine help from people who do not think you are serious.

You have got to make that investment in yourself. Take a summer class at your college or VO-tech school.

That does not answer your question either but if you are going to depend on ready made web in a box crap, you will have no long term credibility with customers. That stuff does not give you credibility. It gives you a fly-by-night look.

Learn to get your own hosting and own TLD. Learn to deploy Wordpress at least.
Ditto what alexa7 said.

If you aren't willing to learn the basics, you'll never succeed.
Sorry, I should have suggested that you create a blog instead. Just check out WordPress. I have a book called "How to make money with your blog". It was given to me with the request that I pass it on when I am done with it. If you would like it, just pm me. I'll be done with it in about a week.
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