Quick Guide: Setting Up Rewarded Ads on Google Ad Manager (GAM)


New member
Dec 20, 2024
Google provides a detailed process for setting up rewarded ads on GAM. Here’s a quick overview:

1. Set Line Items: Configure the necessary line items for rewarded ads by following Google’s guide. This includes setting event descriptions and integrating the Rewarded Web API. See the guide here:

2. Set Up Display for Rewarded Ads: After setting the line items, you’ll need to add specific tags to your website or app to display the ads. Google’s developers guide provides the necessary details for this setup: https://developers.google.com/publisher-tag/samples/display-rewarded-ad

Challenges with GAM: Rewarded ads are still a relatively new feature in GAM, and not every Google account has access. There may be account-specific limits, especially when working with MA and MI.

If you’re facing difficulties with GAM or your account isn’t eligible for rewarded ads, PubPower can help you. We provide an easier and faster solution for integrating rewarded ads. You can skip the technical difficulties and run with ease.
Once you receive the ad tags from PubPower, just follow the instructions to set up the event for your rewarded ads. PubPower has already handled all the backend setup, including ensuring compatibility with GAM and ADX.
