Quick Facebook Question


New member
Oct 4, 2011
Hey Guys,

I've decided to spend a few days learning how Facebook works/feels. I've run into something I found very odd, and would like to know if anyone has any thoughts on it.

I threw $20 at a campaign to get used to the FB interface tonight, and I've received $20 in clicks at ~.75CPC. However, when I look at the Unique Visitors/Clicks stat, it shows that they're all from the same three people! WTF?

Is this standard, or do a couple of guys just REALLY like the girl I'm using?

Disregard this guys. It turns out Facebook's slow to update the uniques. Everything seems normal.
I don't think facebook ads work well for turning a profit. They are used more for creating brand recognition and such by big companies. Or getting some traffic, not necessarily conversion. If you figure out how to get it to turn a profit, then props to you and take advantage of the niche!