QUICK! - $2000 for 1 little job - CASH PAID

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We'll at least he's giving 2 months to get the users, for a minute I thought he might be expecting a little too much.
"I was told that the average yearly salary is $2000 in China and India,
so if you can do this ONE LITTLE THING for us,
consider you won't have to work again for the rest of the year.
I'm just trying to put this into perspective in case you think it's an overwhelming task."
WOW, they are paying $0.002 per user! That's like... AMAZING! If I do this I won't have to work until next summer! $2000 here were come!!!!!! WOOOOO
haha 1 Million active users in only 2 months time for an amazing rate of $2,000 wow talk about a fucking deal and a half.

I mean seriously if I had the power to get 1 Million people to a site, I'd push it to my own sites and bank an easy $100,000 a month.

Some peoples children will never learn.
How is that piece-of-shit-myspace-clone already a PR3 with 2.8k links? At least he's doing SOMETHING.
The obvious (and hilarious) item is the fact that these 'investors' he wants to attract will surely be savvy enough to conduct proper due diligence and will surely unearth his dastardly scheme and kill the deal
wtf?! How does he plan on speaking to investors when hes as naive to think he can get 1,000,000 users for $2,000?
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