Questions about non-competitive adwords bids


Own the Internet
Aug 6, 2010
Hello everyone,

My first question is: Does quality score affect bid prices for very non-competitive keywords? Let's say that you are the only person bidding for a keyword, and you can easily bid $0.05. If you have a really shitty quality score of 1, does that bid still stay at just $0.05, or does it go up?

Also, my second question: It seems that $0.05 is the minimum bid for adwords. Can you bid lower amounts like $0.01? Does the minimum bid limit change if you target different countries? This is probably a complete newbie question.

THANKS for the help! :bowdown:

My first question is: Does quality score affect bid prices for very non-competitive keywords? Let's say that you are the only person bidding for a keyword, and you can easily bid $0.05. If you have a really shitty quality score of 1, does that bid still stay at just $0.05, or does it go up?

Also, my second question: It seems that $0.05 is the minimum bid for adwords. Can you bid lower amounts like $0.01? Does the minimum bid limit change if you target different countries? This is probably a complete newbie question.

THANKS for the help! :bowdown:

1) Quality score affects all prices....if you are using google. CTR affects prices as well for most PPC providers

2) $0.05 is your max CPC is my guess, max CPC means how high you will go. So if your max CPC is $0.05 and mine is $0.06 I will be up top (I am simplifying it, but its mostly true). Basically they dynamically assign a CPC value based on who you are competing against. Who ever has the highest CPC is #1, 2nd highest 2nd

3) Bids change drastically by countries, minimum bids do not.

If $0.05 is too high for are doing something wrong. In the campaigns I have launched even $1 CPC was getting me 8th place, so granted it was a competitive niche, but I am trying to give you some food for thought.