Questions about my Blog


New member
Jul 7, 2009
I've made a few threads in this section already but as a bit of background I've been spending the past month or so targeting local niches with articles, SEO, the works etc.

However for the past couple of years ( since may 2009) I've been running a blogger blog about the local nightlife in my city. It get's between 50-250 page views a day with the average in the 200 mark.

I've got adsense banners down the side and on top which have given me an average CTR of %0.035

Over the last couple of years this has made me roughly $50 in adsense revenue. My question is, would I be able to earn much more with a different add network? Is it likely that someone would be interested in buying a blogger blog on a site like Flippa? Does anyone have any idea's of ways to monetise my blog?

Thanks in advance for your idea's


For now, there's no ad network that can give me better earn but Google adsense. you can optimize your blog to gain more traffic. And, actually it is not easy to gain more income from blogger blog, I suggest you to start thinking about professional site with your .com domain.
Adsense is a great tool but 50-250 hits a day of course you are getting those results... You need to promote and get more traffic to earn the kind of money you are looking for.

Once you are getting 1,000 - 5,000 hits a day your income is going to jump.... my ideas for promotion:

1. Have you tired twitter/facebook?
2. Email Clubs in your area and offer promotion for them and vice versa.
3. Offer Contests for visitors and offer a sponser "sticky" post for clubs that pay you for that spot and feature there club (interview owner, pictures, drink specials all that shit).

If you are serious about this blog and site you need a domain (if you are using blogspot you probably don't have one), and think of this blog as a BUSINESS, not just some place you post some shit. You need to divide and conquer don't rely on just adsense, think and scale BIGGER.
Your ad positioning is likely off. Experiments with new positions, colors, etc. You should be getting at least a 1% CTR or higher.

A friend of mine made $50 with little traffic in like 1mo. (less traffic then you)