[Question] T3Leads

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New member
Oct 4, 2008
I found t3leads PPL (Pay Per Lead) program...so i don't know how to start to promote it, i want to put me on the right way, with some link on this forum or some external link(I was searching the forum, but don't know what post/s are relevant for this)

Other questions...

1. How to generate leads for financial products?
2. Could I setup some landing page just for this?
3. Could it work with blogger?
4. Where to found referrals for it ? ( blog, forum post..?)


You have a long journey ahead, young padawan learner.

If you don't know what posts here are relevant to your problem, you do not fully understand your problem.

Perhaps you should look for something you know about and figure a way to promote that.

Someone who knows financial products would also know how to generate leads for those products, because they know the intended market for those products.

You may be approaching this business backward. You need to find market to service and then service that market, with whatever that market wants to pay cash for. Taking a product and then trying to find a market for it is at best, difficult, especially assuming no capital or experience on your part.

In other words, if you know Kimchee, you know who eats Kimchee and probably know where Kimchee eaters can be found.

Follow your nose.

Just a thought.
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