Question on Moving from 7Search to Bing


New member
Mar 7, 2012
San Francisco
Hi guys,

I've been using 7Search to promote CPA offers recently. I finally got a campaign that I am squeaking by with a small ROI (like 4%), but struggling to see what I can do to improve it much more. I've already blocked five traffic sources, used the day parting feature and tested multiple ad copies/10 keywords. I will keep blocking traffic and maybe do week parting after another month's data or so, but starting to think my ROI on 7S just won't be meant for more than initial testing of offers.

I am thinking of focusing more on Bing next (I've done a couple small campaigns and got one conversion) with higher paying offers, but since it's more expensive and a different learning curve (quality scores, different TOS and all that shit) I want to know that I'm ready before making a large investment.

Do you think it's best to get a couple good converting campaigns (like ROIs in the 10-15% range) on 7Search before dropping a load of cash on Bing? Or should I just say fuck it and move to Bing now?

You can set a low daily budget on Bing. It could be advantageous to try out your successful campaigns there, but it doesn't always translate to profitability that easy.
honestly if you are doing well with 7 search, take it over to bing. Quality of traffic is MUCH higher than 7 search, and adwords is gonna eat you alive if you arent ready for it.
Yeah, Bing's staff are very friendly. Try their live chat and they'll help you out right away.
I haven't promoted any products yet on 7search but I love bing. I just started promoting products thru Bing about a month ago and I've had a few conversions. If you have a low budget, bing is a better choice in comparison to Google.
Bing is getting more and more difficult (like Google) but quality is better than 7search.

Bing is more volume and higher quality than 7search and that translates to bigger revenue. If and when you find the spot where you can scale (and scale big) - Jackpot!