Question from Vender Newb with some Warm Traffic Success


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Dear all,

As an author of several Kindle bestsellers that have ranked in the top ten for over a year, I thought it was time to give Clickbank a try. So I got set up and ...

Two days ago I sent the link to my lists (over 4000 people) and got a 6% conversion rate on the new book. This is a $37 dollar book compared to my $2.99 Kindle books which generated most of my list. Naturally, this response felt pretty good and it keeps coming in. Part of this happened because I keep my subscribers warm with lots of exclusive content andoverdeliver with everything I do. The feedback has been awesome and I've definitely got something like a tribe brewing.

What I'm not sure of how to do is get affiliates to try sending traffic to Clickbank product page. I've tried contacting people in my niche, but none seem interested in making passive income from my product and can't be bothered to get a Clickbank account. I've also had this experience with my Udemy course (which will also become a Clickbank product once I've learned to attract affiliates). Even though I can show people very compelling conversion numbers, they still don't want to even post a link on their sites. Well, in all fairness, one guy is testing one of my video courses now, but I don't think he gets that much traffic ... at least not yet.

(Incidentally, a huge part of the problem is that the people in my niche don't understand the value of promoting one another, and most disagree with my trainings in one form or another, which is part of why I've seen the success I've had).

Anyhow, I have over a dozen Kindle books that are really information products that have proven themselves to be winners in that field. For CB I have bonuses and for the book that I've just sold to 6% of my list (and counting), I'm now developing a back-end continuity subscription that will generate monthly revenue for myself and any affiliates.

So my question, after long hours of searching for a book or training or something, how can I learn to attract affiliates?

Here's a little bit about what I'm willing to do once I've found them:

* For the current product I've got 300x250, 729x60, 160x600 and 160x160 banner ads.

* I've got the promo campaign that generated all these sales and am currently testing a six day launch campaign. All of these material are available to affiliates and I will modify them to suit your wishes.

* I've also got more than 1000 (yes, 1000) pages of material from a newsletter I've written for over a year. Basically, I was teaching myself to write sales copy while continuing to educate my book fans. Any interested affiliate may have access to all of these and I will build campaigns for them. I'm willing to take guidance from anyone who is willing to give it and work together to make great revenue happen (and help tonnes of people the way my trainings already do as evidenced by tonnes of reviews).

If you're still reading this, you can see that I'm pretty dedicated and ready to work and work and work. My goal is to keep putting up products, improving everything that I have on Amazon, adding bonuses and upsells and continually seeking affiliates. To put it in a smilies way, I want to :bowdown: affiliates so that they never :repuke: but always :thumbsup: and :rainfro: so we can :smilie_weihn_winki:and :smilie_weihnfenster every time we look in our accounts and see great numbers rolling in.

Here's one caveat as I see it:

I've used Clickbank Powered to build the product site. From what I understand in my research about affiliates, they might feel that the site has too many leaks. I can't figure out how to do anything about the cookie-cutter nature of the sales page it produces and I think I'm stuck with the layout if I'm going to use their format. Basically these leaks are at the top and the bottom of the page, all leading to other parts of the same website.

The other problem that might not please affiliates is that Clickbank has an advertisement on the bottom of the site. I was pretty surprised to see that I have to have that on my cookie-cutter site even though I'm paying them.

I'm not sure if I will stay with Clickbank Powered or not. The alternative would be to buy Optimize Press and rebuild my sales page and all future sales pages with it. But in the meantime, I've decided I'll give CB Powered at least a one year try because it could take at least that long to find enough affiliates and tweak everything so that the conversation rate is really humming.

Any advice, guidance or ideas you can give would be greatly appreciated. And if you're interested in looking at the product I'm speaking of, I guess you'll have to PM me about it because if I understand the forum rules correctly, posting the link here would amount to trying to sell.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Attract affiliates by finding affiliates which are promoting your competition, and contact them. No point in going after people which aren't affiliates of another product, since it's harder upselling them to get them into the industry. It's alot easier to sell someone who's already an affiliate. Find complaints about your competition from their affiliates, and go from there.​
Thanks for this tip, especially about the complaints. Sounds like a great strategy.

Do you have your product public in the marketplace? Are you showing good numbers? My products have all gotten natural affiliates by showing decent numbers in there.
Do you have your product public in the marketplace? Are you showing good numbers? My products have all gotten natural affiliates by showing decent numbers in there.

Thanks for the response, LegitAM. My product is up and there has been some affiliate activity (even today when some people are saying that ClickBank is shutting down ... Is that so?)

With CB alive as mediator or not, my sales page is converting and the numbers are good. It all seems to be just a matter of getting the traffic from the pros who know how to do it and I'm willing to help affiliates in any way I can. I've got tonnes of resources already built that work really well on my own lists ... I just haven't got the chops yet to build large enough lists.

At least not yet ...

Thanks again for the current and any future insights that anyone offers.
From my experience the best way to get affiliates is to network and build trusted relationships with other bloggers and marketers in your niche, but obviously that takes time. :)

If you already have an existing relationship with someone and they are familiar with your work, getting the yes you are looking for will be SO much easier.

Networking is SO important if you want to succeed online, especially now in the social driven world we live in. Yet, so many marketers neglect this side of business because they are too busy on product and content creation, etc. And, I've been guilty of this myself in the past.

Now, I make it part of my daily schedule to network and connect with new people on a daily basis.

Hope that helps!
Yes, I can see the importance of networking. I work on that too, though I'm not always sure where to go when it comes to IM. (Though I did find here, and it's very cool).
Duplicate or rebrand the offer outside of CB and run it as an independent campaign, then offer it to new affs that don't want to fuck with CB.