question for myspace heavy-hitters......

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New member
Nov 29, 2006
Southeast US
I recently rolled out my custom myspace software to a remote server. Yesterday, I began seeing these weird "Unauthorized (401)" headers being returned. It's weird, because I'll run between 12-32 threads and all of a sudden certain threads will start getting these headers back. Once a thread starts getting those errors, it will keep getting them on subsequent requests, even though i'm resetting cookies and init'ing new requests. Plus, i've explicitely disabled HTTP keep-alive for these requests. I'm in the process of adding delays, and i plan on coding in a special exception handler, but I wondered if anyone else has seen this behavior from the myspace servers?

shaggz, myspace is anything but consistent.

I've noticed that in there server cluster some servers will have different versions of there myspace scripts... So your always going to get random errors or pages that are not like the "stable" public version. For some reason there development server is in the "stable" cluster.

Many times when creating accounts, when you get to the image upload screen you will receive about 3 different versions of that page.
SpaceStaiton is giving me the same errors when logging in right now to accounts.
For how much traffic it gets, myspace has to be the most poorly designed web architecture in web history. I'm sure there are many that have been worse, but they didn't have nearly the amount of traffic that myspace does. For one of the top 5 sites to routinely go down every evening and generate random errors at any time of the day, it really must have been designed by Tom. Half of their pages are coldfusion running through a coldfusion emulator on dotnet, and the other half are bastardized webforms. They have tons of static variables on their HTML forms. They pass so much crap in the cookies that it's ridiculous. I've seen pages where they rely on javascript/meta redirects. Everytime i log in now, an empty ad page pops up for about 1 second and then redirects toward the homepage. Half the time, they write urls to '' and the other half they use ''. While i'd like to think that's lazy programming, it's probably some sort of retarded load balancing solution. Sometime while they were growing, they should have renamed the CSS elements to something that was standard, so people doing layouts could avoid the shittiest reading CSS on the planet. But no, they waited until they're so huge now that it will never get worked out.

On the bright side, since the developers are so incompetent, trying to block spammers for them is like finding a needle in a haystack. They're idiots. I can't believe some of the crap you can get away with on there.
Shaggz, I have two questions:

Did you figure out how to auto-generate profiles, and if so, any clues as to how you did it.

Also, what are you using to code (php/curl?).
Shaggz, I have two questions:

Did you figure out how to auto-generate profiles, and if so, any clues as to how you did it.

Also, what are you using to code (php/curl?).

Yes, i have profile generation. It logs in, goes to the user's homepage, parses the edit profile link from the page, loads that page, and does a form POST. Not anything complex. Although, the fuzznuts at myspace changed some crap up and it stopped working a couple of days ago. It's probably a simple form var change or something. I imagine i can get it working again in about 30-60 minutes.

I'm coding in c#. IMHO, having a compiled language and full fledged debugger makes it more suitable to this project than php.
Thought about it again and not sure if you may have meant 'account creation' when you said 'auto-generate profiles'. I have account creation. It presents you with just the captcha, you type it in, and the account is created.

You can figure out how to do anything on myspace with ethereal and a browser. Just do the process manually, and trace the steps in ethereal. The key is to let your libraries (curl for php, httpWebRequest for .net) manage the cookies for you. Then, you just have to get the form vars correct and do the corresponding POSTs.

The toughest thing for me was getting the image upload functionality working. That was because i was building the mixed-type form data myself and using the wrong encoding scheme for images.
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